Page 6 of Gilded Dove

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“You haven’t had enough of something lately but it’s not coffee!”

Huffing out a breath, I shove my hand over my burning cheeks. “Daffy! Jeez! Reel it in!”

“Fine! But what did you say to that big, gorgeous, generous man?”

“I haven’t seen him yet.” The hollow note in my voice makes my boss chuckle.

“Don’t worry. You’ll see him soon. He’s probably just giving you time to cool down.”

“It’s gonna take a long time for that,” I mutter under my breath.

There’s a thump at my door and I flinch, dropping the phone. It clatters on the bare wood floor and I wince, picking it up. “Sorry about that. There’s somebody at my door.”

“So go answer the door. I’ll hang on.”

“I’m scared to,” I whisper, tiptoeing over to the window. “I’m afraid to see what he’s gone and done now.”

Daffy sighs. “I realize it’s weird having someone want to do things for you. Want to take care of you and Daisy. You haven’t had an easy time of it. But that guy is crazy about you. And he’s pretty determined to take care of you. Why don’t you just let him?”

“What if he changes his mind and I’ve already let him in? What happens to us then? I can bounce back but what if Daisy gets hurt?”

“Stella, he’s not your father. Daisy isn’t you. Daisy is a baby. You are not your mother. Max wants you. I don’t think a restraining order could change his mind.”

“Isn’t that a little odd?”

“That a great guy loves you?”

“He’s never said love,” I protest.

“He didn’t have to. The whole town sees it in his eyes. Give him a chance. Give yourself a chance to be happy. To be loved like you deserve.”

“I gotta go. I can’t see out the window.” There’s another thump at the door and I groan. “Whoever’s there is still knocking.”

“Fine. Just think about what I said. Harrison fought love too. But in the end, we both won.”

“Harrison is special. So are you.”

“Don’t sell you or him short. You are too.” Then she hangs up and I tuck my phone into the back pocket of my jean shorts.

“I’m coming,” I call.

I swing the door open and my breath catches. A ray of sunlight gilds the silver in Max’s hair, glowing and giving the sexiest man alive a halo. Like a fallen angel.

“Max,” I breathe out, almost stuttering on the delicious feel of his name on my tongue.

He cocks a dark brow and I feel that tingle start in my belly again. I can’t get near him anymore without feeling desire curl in my body and flare up and down every part of me.

His whiskey-brown eyes glow with gold fire as I lean against the side of the door. His gaze runs up and down my body, trailing fire and flames of lust wherever it touches my skin.

“Morning, Stella. Daisy awake yet?” He holds up a bag and stalks in the door, lightly shuffling me aside. “I brought you breakfast.”

“You shouldn’t have,” I gasp out, seeing those little snippets running through my head again. His big, elegant hands open the little white bakery bag and I see them in my mind’s eye running up and down my side, pulling my shirt off, tugging at my breasts in my plain white nursing bra.

“You okay there, Stella?” The smirk on Max’s delicious lips makes me want to kiss him, suck on that little divot in his lower lip.

“I-I’m good.”

“Okay. Well, I just wondered if you like your new car.”
