Page 18 of Hot Island Nights

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“Go, go, go! I’m gonna stay home tonight. Bring her home.” She kisses my cheek and giggles, her eyes sparkling. “Just make sure I don’t have to see you two making out. That’s gross!”

I chuck her under her little chin and charge out the door. As soon as I hit the door of my Jeep, I stop and my heart sinks. I don’t have a clue where to find her.

But I do have her phone number and the hotel where she was staying. Maybe she went back there. Her plane doesn’t leave for a few more days. I’m hoping she didn’t reschedule her flight or I don’t know what I’ll do.

But I won’t let her go. Not for anything. I’m gonna find her and if I have to handcuff her to me until I get her to understand how much I care about her, I’ll do it.

Clenching my teeth, I swing into my driver’s seat. “Hang on, baby girl. I’m gonna find you and bring you home.”



The hotel room is just as depressing and void of all personality as when I stayed here before.

My card came today so I was easily able to check back in. At least a day or so before I expected it.

That was the easy part. The hard part is convincing myself that I need to leave Leon. That part fucking sucks.

But if his ex wants him back and they’re talking then it’s probably best if I find my way out of here as fast as possible before I talk myself into doing something crazy. Like running back to that house and throwing myself at him while he stands there, stunned and wondering what the hell I’m doing. Because I know he likes me and the sex was amazing…but he doesn’t want me for real. He just wanted my body. I’m not worth anything to anyone really. Tears pool in my eyes as I stare out the window blindly at the couples strolling past on the beach. Blinking away the tears, I can see that they all look so happy and so lost in each other. Even the ones with kids are obviously still in love and living their best life.

I’m not sure what it takes to get that but I guess I don’t have it because my marriage showed me exactly what I was worth. Not much.

I jump when something hits the door. Hard. Hope rises in my chest, practically strangling me, stopping me in my tracks. Why the hell do I miss him so damn much? I don’t even know him that well.

I blink and then patter across the floor, looking out the peephole into the hall and finding nothing that I can see. I slowly, carefully open the door and peek out, confused when I spot nothing at all.

“I’m so sorry about that.” I jump, squealing when the woman across the hall appears, holding the hand of a six year old boy. “My son was practicing his soccer kick and he hit your door. I told him he’s not allowed to do that indoors anymore.”

I smile, trying to make it look less grim than I feel it does. “That’s alright. No harm done.” Just to my hopeful damn heart.

I smile again and shut the door, sliding down the surface all the way to the floor, my legs rubbery, my eyes closing.

I lean against the door and sigh heavily, tears clogging my throat. I don’t want to leave. I don’t want to let go of Leon, no matter what my stupid head and his obnoxious ex say. I miss him so damn much that my chest feels like one of those lead covers they put on you to protect you from x-rays. Heavy, aching, sick.

I fall over onto my side on the floor and sob, aching, yearning, completely destroyed. I love him. It seems impossible. Too soon, too new. But I ache to see his icy blue eyes sparkling with laughter. The excitement and love for his home, his daughter.

Even with as many times as Dave said the worst things in the world to me, none of it hurts as much as knowing that Leon isn’t mine. He can’t ever be mine and I love him desperately, hopelessly.


Staggering to my feet, I throw myself on the bed and let myself slide into the solace of deep sleep. Where nothing and no one can make me feel anything I don’t want to feel.

Bang, bang, bang!

I groan and sit up, my eyes still swollen and painful from crying until I have nothing left to give. I rub at them and stumble sightlessly to the door, cursing under my breath when I stub my damn toe on the side of the dresser when my path veers the wrong direction.

“That blasted kid better hope I don’t catch him with that damn ball. I can’t believe that his mother let him out again.” I wince and limp to the door finally.

I’m still muttering the last word to myself when I fling the door open and my jaw drops to my feet, my heart pounding so hard it feels like it’s about to fly right out of my chest.

“Leon?” I whisper, my body wracked with the need to throw myself at him and cling to him like a baby koala on its mama.

But I can’t do that. He’s with her.

I’m not sure my heart got the memo though. I suck air like a fish out of water and gape at him.

His firm lips lift in a half-smile slowly, like the sun coming over the waters around the island in the morning. “Are you gonna ask me in, pua?”
