Page 21 of Hot Island Nights

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Not missing a beat, I flip us back and drive into her, pistoning faster, harder, deeper. Tangling my fingers in her soft, silvery curls and wrapping them in my fists, I watch her face, her mouth falling open, her body tensing again.

“Come for me again,” I grit out between clenched teeth, fighting to keep my own orgasm at bay. My spine burns, my balls drawn up so tight it’s like they’re trying to crawl back inside me. But I grit harder, pump faster, until I feel her pulsing body tighten around me again.

“Yes!” She screams and I clamp my lips over hers, drinking in her cries, even as my body shudders and jets of cum paint her walls as I come apart inside her.

I fall on top of her and roll, tugging her tightly to me, my breath shuddering out, my heart hammering in my chest.

I kiss her cheek and she sighs into my chest, her breath light as a feather, warm as her battered heart.

“I love you, pua. Always and forever. I don’t care if you never have my name, that’s up to you, but inside where it counts, you’ll always be mine and I’ll always be yours.”

“One day I may say yes, you know,” she giggles.

“And I’ll drag your pretty ass to a justice of the peace the same damn day. But it’s your choice. It will always be your choice. I can’t take that control away from you. I want you to own your life, your love and heart like you always should have. Nobody should tell you what to do with it.”

Her husband took away all her control. All her voice in their relationship. I won’t rob her of a second chance at that.

She pushes up on my chest, her slim fingers idly tracing my ribs, wrapping in the light hair on my chest. My dick jerks and I groan.

“What are you doing to me?”

“Loving you. Like I always will.” Her lips touch mine and my heart settles in my chest.

“Same, baby…same.”

Her head drifts down to my chest and her eyes flutter closed, dark lashes lying on her cheeks, bruised lips parted, breathing lightly until she drifts off to sleep.

I caress her soft curls, her silky skin and watch her, stunned, more grateful than I’ve ever been in my life.

This beautiful goddess loves me. With all her horrible memories and her lost years with that bastard, she still loves me, hopes for something better.

And I’m gonna prove to her every damn day that she made the right choice. That I will make every day perfect for her, bend it to her every hope and dream until she’s so damn happy, she can’t quit smiling. And then I’ll wake up the next day and do it all over again. For the rest of our lives she’ll never want for a thing that I can give her and she’ll know that she’s loved.

If home is where the heart is, mine will always be with her. She’s my home.

Epilogue: Sarah

I never thought I’d be here. With the warm island breeze blowing in the trees overhead, soft ukulele music in the background and dozens of our friends and family staring at me, smiling. The soft pink dress floats around me on the breeze and flowers decorate my hair in a perfect crown.

A joyous smile curves my lips as Penny grasps her baby sister’s hand and waves it at me with a grin. Little Ginger chatters happily, her dark blond curls tousled and her wide blue eyes just like her daddy’s staring around in wonder.

My two girls. Penny might not have been mine at birth but she’s mine in every other way. I’ve been wrapped up completely in my family since I went home with Leon the day he came for me. I’ve watched her surf, seen her through her first heartbreak and made sure she knew that she’d come out stronger on the other side.

My eyes water when I see the young man at her side. Her new best friend, Sam. They’ve been joined at the hip since he moved here her senior year and I know they’re dreading going away to college and losing each other but judging by the look in Sam’s eyes he won’t wander far and he’ll come home for her one day.

But my eyes don’t stray long from my fiancé. Leon is dressed in a soft, flowing white shirt and pants, his chest broad and strong, his head high, his warm blue gaze locked on me as I step forward and walk down the aisle.

I never thought I’d get here. Never thought I’d want to marry again. But Leon changed my mind.

My man lives to make me happy and the last time he asked me, I said yes, surprising both of us.

But I refused the justice of the peace. I want the whole world to know that I’ve claimed him and he’s mine. Same goes for him. He wants to tattoo his claim on my body if he can.

This is the next best thing.

I stop beside him and hold out my hand, smiling when he tugs me into him and the officiant sighs.

“You’re not supposed to do that yet,” he chides gently.
