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Preferring to stand at the island, they spoke little as they devoured their late meals. When only breadcrumbs remained, Sam cut two large slices of cake. Between hefty bites of cake, they spoke about the Swanson Ranch and all that needed to be done.

“I just don’t see how Mark and Amanda will be able to continue without hiring help. We can do some, but not enough to keep them afloat.” Sam picked up her plate, washing it in the sink.

“Jake said something over dinner the other night. He didn’t come right out and say it, but it seems the Bonners are putting together a plan so the Swansons can keep their ranch.”

Sam’s brows raised at the news. “Any idea what the plan is?”

“Nope. Jake didn’t share any specifics.”

“Maybe because the Bonners haven’t agreed on all the details.” Sam stared out the kitchen window toward the barn. “You’ve heard how Anson can be.”

“Do you mean how obstinate?”

“I’m not certain it’s obstinance.” She paused a moment. “He always seems to throw obstacles in the way of anything his sons put together.”

“Guess it’s his right. He’s the one who grew Whistle Rock into one of western Wyoming's largest and most profitable outfits.”


“In the little time I’ve been at the Kelman Ranch, all the ideas Wyatt and Virgil back get approved.”

Sam nodded. “Eventually, and most times with a lot of pushback from Anson.”

“Seems Anson will grumble about anything out of the ordinary. It’s just the way he is. As long as they keep pushing a plan for the Swansons, it’s almost guaranteed to happen.”

Logan took his plate to the sink, setting it on the counter after washing and drying it. “I should get going.”

Sam walked outside with him. It was the first time she’d ever felt a sense of unease around Logan.

“Guess I’ll see you around, Sam.” He didn’t wait for her to respond before turning toward his truck.

Watching him drive off, she felt a strange heaviness in her chest. She couldn’t recall the last time the sensation gripped her. Sam wrestled with the combination of longing and emptiness on the short walk to her cabin.

Early the following morning, Barrel, Jimmy, Kenny, and Owen led a large group of guests on a trail ride. An active hot springs near the far northwest corner had become a favorite destination of those visiting the ranch.

Gage and Virgil controlled the activities each week. Both were flexible. If enough guests wanted to make the trip to the springs twice during their stay, they’d add it to the schedule.

They were organizing another ranch rodeo. This one would be different from the others in that it would take place at the Kelman Ranch.

Jake still recalled the words of Seth Magnus, the previous owner who’d passed away not long after selling the ranch. Knowing Jake’s plans, he suggested a ranch rodeo would be an excellent way to introduce Wagyu beef to the guests at Whistle Rock Ranch. Wyatt agreed and held firm about holding the rodeo at Jake’s ranch when Anson insisted it should take place at their ranch.

As the foreman of the Kelman Ranch, Quinn took on the responsibility of organizing the rodeo. Logan had become his go-to guy in the process, doing a remarkable job of rounding up competitors from neighboring ranches. It was scheduled for late that afternoon, after the guests returned from their trip to the hot springs.

Sam, in her desire to help the Swansons, had almost forgotten her offer to assist with the rodeo. It had been Logan’s text message earlier that morning that jogged her memory. Rounding up Brady, and two more Whistle Rock ranch hands who’d volunteered to compete, she drove them to Jake’s ranch after lunch.

Climbing out of her truck, she spotted Logan supervising several men as they set up props for each event. A few men worked in two corrals while several others assembled spectator stands. She’d heard Jake say they expected close to sixty people to watch the events.

The additional Whistle Rock men talked with Logan before joining the others. From what she could see, the set up wouldn’t take much longer.

“Hey, Sam!”

She turned to see Quinn jog toward her. “Hey, yourself. Appears everything is ready for the spectators.”

“We’re real close. Logan’s done a great job. Thanks for bringing more men. We’re going to need them when the guests arrive.”

“He asked me to keep the competitors on schedule. Are all the people who signed up to compete still coming?”

“As far as I know. Well, except for Amanda Swanson. Mark’s taken a turn for the worse. They’re at the hospital.”
