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It took Miguel another fifteen minutes to leave the store. Logan wasn’t sure what to do, other than follow him. Maybe he’d learn where Miguel lived. It might ease Sam’s mind to know his address and that he’d been looking for work.

Following him out of the parking lot, he kept a couple cars between them as Miguel wound through the town. He made one other stop. The hardware store had a large sign in the window stating they were hiring. Logan guessed Miguel had applied.

When he left, Logan pulled right behind him. Another five minutes passed before Miguel pulled into a lot at the south end of town. It was an old building known for short-term room rentals. Logan drove on, made a U-turn, and continued back to the feed store.

Packing the order into the back of his truck took longer than expected. When Ed began talking about Miguel, Logan relaxed and listened.

“You just don’t know about people.”

“What do you mean, Ed?”

“Do you remember the man who was here earlier?”


“Miguel Hobson. The manager made a few calls. Found out Miguel skipped town without paying rent the last two places he lived. If I’d skipped, you can bet I wouldn’t have listed those places on my application.” Chuckling, Ed shook his head before jumping out the back of Logan’s truck.

“I’m guessing the manager isn’t going to hire him.” Logan was pretty certain what Ed told him was confidential, but he let it go.

“Heck no. He’ll have to find a job somewhere else.”

Logan drove back home while thinking over Ed’s last comment. From his perspective, it had been well-phrased. Miguel needed to find work somewhere else…and in another town.

“He’s staying at the rooms for rent place? You’re sure about that?” Sam’s eyes had grown wide at Logan’s news.

“I followed him there. He’s applying around town for a job.” He told her about Miguel’s application at the feed store. “He can cross that place off his list.”

“He never was any good at paying rent. Paying for anything, really.”

They sat on the tailgate of his truck that evening, sharing a thermos of coffee. “You never told me why you left him.”

Sam cracked a tiny smile. “Being a bum isn’t a good enough reason?”

Logan didn’t answer, choosing to take another sip of the coffee Beth had made. When the silence stretched, Sam stared into her cup and sighed.

“We were too young, and I was too foolish to get married. I thought I knew all about life. Turned out, I didn’t know anything.” She swallowed another sip of coffee.

Logan continued his silence, waiting for Sam to talk herself out.

“It’s such a cliché,” she scoffed. “I found out he was cheating. When I called him on it, he emptied our bank account and left town. Funny. It didn’t matter to me that Miguel left. Without rent money, I had to go home and face my parents. That was the hardest part.” Setting down her cup, she stared up at the clear night sky. “I’ve never seen as many stars as here in Wyoming. Anyway, I heard Miguel did the same thing to another woman in Nebraska, then again in Colorado. I don’t know if all that is true, though. What I do know is some people never change, and Miguel is one of them.”

Reaching out, Logan took her hand in his. They sat that way until the coffee ran out.

The graveside service for Mark Swanson drew a large crowd. Several people from Whistle Rock Ranch attended. Sam rode with Logan, neither speaking during the short ride.

She scanned the crowd, noting the vacant looks on many faces, as if they still couldn’t believe Mark was gone. Amanda sat next to her in-laws, looking pale and tired. Sam doubted she’d gotten more than a few hours’ sleep since her husband had passed.

The minister did a fine job, his message upbeat with antidotes about Mark from a young boy until his death. As a woman who rarely cried, Sam found she had to work hard not to cry.

She could sense Logan tense beside her, assuming his reaction had to do with the minister’s message…until she followed his gaze. Her jaw tightened. The first thought was the man standing across from them didn’t belong here.

Anger built at the sight of Miguel Hobson.

He stared back, the familiar smirk appearing. She wanted to yell at him, insist he leave. And not just the memorial service. Sam wanted him to leave Brilliance, and all of Riverdale County.

Miguel continued to watch her. She felt her body buzz at the prospect of facing off with him.

“Don’t do anything foolish, Sam.”
