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Her head whipped to look at Logan. His features were set, hard and unyielding. Except for his eyes. They were soft with understanding.

Biting her lower lip, she gave a slow nod. She had no intention of causing Amanda more pain by interrupting the service to confront her ex. Sam felt Logan’s hot breath when he bent, speaking close to her ear.

“We’ll take care of this after the service.”

A sharp nod indicated her understanding. She told herself not to worry about what would happen when Logan confronted Miguel. Her ex had always preferred to settle disputes with loud arguments which often turned physical. She didn’t want to see Logan get drawn into anything with Miguel.

When the service ended, she gripped Logan’s arm. “Let’s forget talking to Miguel.”

His gaze narrowed on her. “Are you sure?”

“Definitely. I know Miguel well enough to be concerned about what could happen. Now isn’t the place or the time.”

“All right.”

They made it to his truck before hearing Sam’s name being called. She didn’t have to turn around to know who it was.

“Ignore him,” she told Logan.

“Sam! Hold up.”

She winced. “Ugh. He isn’t going to take the hint. Might as well get this over with.”

Turning, she didn’t feel the need to smile. “Miguel.”

He stopped too close to her, his gaze moving over her. “You look great, Sam. The years have been good to you.”

“Thanks. You look the same. What are you doing in Brilliance?”

“You never did waste time on small talk. Always right to the point.”

“That’s me.” She glanced at Logan before her gaze returned to Miguel. “So, why are you here?”

“A job. And I knew you were here.”

Crossing her arms, she straightened. “Why would you care where I am?”

“Well, our parting wasn’t so great.”

“You emptied our savings and left, Miguel. As I recall, you didn’t stick around to see my reaction.”

He didn’t show the tiniest amount of regret. “I was young and didn’t always make the best decisions.” He looked at Logan, holding out his hand. “I’m Miguel Hobson.”

Staring at the outstretched hand, he shook it for a brief moment. “Logan Sawyer.”

Sam cleared her throat. “Now that the niceties are over, how long do you intend to stay in Brilliance?”

“There’s no timetable. I’ll stay until I’m ready to leave.”

Sam’s stance became even more rigid. “That’s fine, Miguel. All I ask is that you leave me alone.”

“Might be hard, Sammy.”

“Don’t call me that.”

“You used to like it.” The smirk reappeared, making her stomach clench.

“That was a long time ago, Mikey.”
