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“Sure is. I’m hungry.”

The waitress’s attention moved to Logan. “Sir?”

“The same, except I would like two chicken tamales.”

“Okaaayy.” She turned to leave, then whirled back around. “I’ll get those drinks right out.”

Logan gave her a nod. “Thank you.” When she was out of earshot, he rested his arms on the table. “What are we going to do about Miguel?”

“He’s like a starving dog with a bone. As long as we don’t change our story, he’ll get bored and leave.” Sam grabbed a corn chip from a basket, broke off a piece, and popped it into her mouth.

“Weeks? Months?”

Sam waited to answer until the waitress set down their drinks and left. “I have no idea.”

Logan picked up a large corn chip, dipped it into the salsa, and took a bite. “This is great.” He chewed, swallowed, and picked up another chip. “We can’t wait months, Sam. Let me rephrase that. We don’t want this to drag on for months.”

“I know. Other than actually getting married, I have no idea what to do but wait.” She glanced up to see Logan’s feature go slack as the color drained from his face. Laughing wasn’t appropriate, yet that’s what she did.

“I’m not suggesting we get married, Logan. Jeez, I’m not that crazy.” Lifting her glass, she took a long swallow of iced tea.

“I know you aren’t crazy. Just don’t say things like that.” He looked away, his gaze landing on Aiden Winters and a woman he’d seen somewhere before. “Who’s the woman with Deputy Winters?”

Sam turned, recognizing her. “That’s Laurel Maddox. She’s the lady who bought the building downtown. I should go say hello. Why don’t you come with me?”

Sliding the chair back, he followed Sam across the room. As they approached, Aiden spotted them and stood. He held out his hand to them.

“Laurel, you know Sam and Logan.”

Laurel nodded. “Sam was with me when I first saw the building. Why don’t you join us?”

“We don’t want to intrude,” Logan said.

“Nonsense,” Laurel said. “Sit down.”

Sam looked to Logan, who nodded. “I’ll let the waitress know and get our drinks,” he said before crossing toward the kitchen.

Sam took a chair next to Laurel. “How is the shop coming along?”

“It’s getting there.”

“You should stop by and see it, Sam. Laurel’s done a great job.”

“Thanks, Aiden. He stopped by to see it before we came here. There’s still a great deal to do.”

Sam thought of her schedule, her mind going to Mark and Amanda Swanson, and how they no longer needed her help. Her mood soured for a moment before she forced a smile.

“I’d be glad to help. Logan might also have some free time.”

“That’s generous of you, Sam. I’ll be at breakfast tomorrow. Can we talk about it then?”

“Sure can.” Seeing Logan approach, she felt her face heat. The immediate response disturbed her.

Aiden waited until Logan sat down to speak. “I hear congratulations are in order.”

His mind blanked for an instant, but he recovered. Reaching over, he snagged Sam’s hand. “Thanks, Aiden.”

“What did I miss?” Laurel asked.
