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Jake had told him and Quinn most of the Whistle Rock hands would be with the guests on a long ride to the hot springs. It became clear who’d been left behind when he looked around, spotting Nacho, Anson, Wyatt, Beth, and Sam manning the hoses.

“Logan!” He whirled around to face Wyatt.

“What can I do?”

“Spell my father.”

Nodding, he spotted Anson fighting to control one of the oversized water hoses. Running to him, he placed his hands alongside Anson’s.

“I’ll take it for a bit.”

The elder Bonner didn’t object, taking several steps back as he gasped for air. The sight worried Logan.

“Wyatt!” Catching his attention, Logan nodded toward Anson. Wyatt understood and headed toward his father.

Logan concentrated on the water hose. It was larger than normal, but not as large as those used by firefighters. Still, it was easier to hold it in both hands. He directed the powerful spray at the interior of the barn.

Unlike the previous fire, this one felt hotter, the blaze ferocious. Two other hoses, one at the opposite end of the barn and the other on the northern side, were manned by Barrel and Jake.

A bright light to his right caught Logan’s attention. His stomach plummeted. The fire had jumped to the outside of a nearby cabin.

“Jake!” Logan gripped the hose with his left hand while pointing toward the cabin with his right.

Jake responded in an instant, dragging his hose toward the cabin. Virgil ran to him, both yelling at each other to be heard over the noise of the fire. Jake shifted, turning the direction of the spray toward a cabin several feet away.

Meanwhile, Virgil organized a bucket brigade which concentrated on the first cabin while Jake continued to water down the second. Logan knew it was a preventive action meant to save the other structure.

Sirens blared in the distance. A firetruck came to an abrupt stop near the burning barn. Several men jumped from the rig, preparing to take over the fight.

A sheriff’s department SUV stopped behind the rig. Aiden Winters stepped out, already scanning the scene with a disgusted look.

Logan handed over the hose to one of the firefighters, stepped away, and spotted Sam with a group of guests. They were crowded together next to the lodge. Some watched the urgent activities to stop the fire while others carried on animated conversations.

Taking several steps toward them, Logan stopped at his name being called. Jake came up beside him.

“The fire captain wants us to move the guests farther away. Can you notify Sam?”

“On my way.” Logan ran the short distance, stopping beside her. “We need to move the guests.”

“Where to?”

He glanced around, pointing to the front of the lodge. “How about there?”

“That’ll work. I can get the guests relocated if you have other things to do.”

“I’m good for now. Let’s get everyone out of the way.”

No one objected to Sam explaining what they needed to do. The heat had risen to an uncomfortable level, encouraging them to move farther away. When finished, Logan and Sam stood next to each other.

“I thought they’d arrested the person who started the last fire,” Sam said, her features marked with confusion.

“That’s what I heard. Maybe this isn’t arson.”

“Do you really believe that?”

Logan shook his head. “No.”

Sam gave a slow nod of agreement as she watched the newly rebuilt barn disintegrate. “We installed the last of the hardware a few days ago. Now this.” Her jaw tightened. “Someone must have a grudge against the Bonners.”
