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Opening his slim computer case, Benny pulled out a folder along with a few other documents. Passing one set to Quinn and the other to Logan, he let them read for a few minutes before both looked up, their faces taut.

“As you can see, we have a lot to talk about.”

Chapter Three

“Sam! We need your help over here.”

Virgil’s shout had her running toward the corral where a small crowd gathered. It took seconds to determine why he called for her.

Jasmine, a teenager who accompanied another family to the ranch, lay on the ground in the closest corral. Virgil knelt beside her, checking her vitals while whispering words of encouragement.

He didn’t need Sam for medical assistance. Since returning home from college, where he’d completed classes and hands-on medical training, he’d volunteered to be a backup EMT. The process took a while. He’d completed the paperwork to be an on-call employee and waited.

The hospital had called him a handful of times, usually when bad weather precluded an employee from making a shift and no one else was available. The arrangement allowed him to meet the crew at the site of an emergency. His skill had come in handy several times a year at the ranch. Sam dropped beside him.

“What happened?”

“Jasmine fainted. She should come around any second. I’d like her to see a woman beside her.”

“Gotcha.” Sam adjusted her location, placing a hand behind Jasmine’s head while Virgil moved to the girl’s other side. “She didn’t hit her head, did she?”

“No. Dropped straight to the ground. We were talking through the trail ride and she fainted. All vitals are fine.”

Jasmine moaned, her body shifting a little, one hand going to her forehead as her eyes opened. “What…?”

“Jasmine, it’s Sam. Do you remember me?”

“Uh-huh. What happened?”

“You fainted.”

“Fainted?” Jasmine pushed upward, succeeding with Sam’s help.

“Just sit for a bit. Are you dizzy?”

“I don’t think so.”

“Do you have any idea why you fainted?”

Jasmine shook her head. A wave of dizziness struck her on a moan. It was then she noticed the people standing around, watching, and winced.

Sam seemed to read the girl’s mind. “Don’t worry about what happened. Everyone is just worried about you. Where is your friend?”

“Denise is with her parents in town. I didn’t want to go.” She shrugged. “This seemed more interesting. Can I stand up now?”

Sam glanced at Virgil, who’d been standing to the side, listening. “It’s fine, Jasmine.” He reached down to take one of her hands.

The crowd clapped when she stood, causing her face to flush. “This is so embarrassing.”

“Sam’s right. Don’t worry about it. You know we’ll need to tell the family you’re with, and call your parents.”

“Oh, please don’t call my parents, Virgil. They’ll insist I fly home. Plus, they’ll insist I go to the hospital. It will ruin everything.”

Chuckling, he stared at her for a moment, making a decision. “I’ll talk to the family you came with and make a decision.”

Jasmine’s face lit up. “That’s great. Thank you.”

“We’re done with the demonstration. Do you want me or Sam to walk you back to your cabin?”
