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She turned toward Aiden. “You mean you no longer believe I did it for the insurance money?”

Aiden grimaced, eyes clouded in pain. “I don’t believe I ever accused you of that.”

“Perhaps not, though you couldn’t conceal your bias.” Finishing her drink, she removed money from her purse and stood. “Thanks so much for helping me this afternoon, Sam. And for asking me to dinner. It was wonderful getting out of the shop for a while.”

“You don’t need to go alone. Walk back with us,” Sam said.

“I’ll be fine. See you soon.” She waited until Aiden slid from the booth, moved past him, and left.

Aiden watched her leave until the door closed behind her. Letting out a sigh, he sat down.

“She’s tired, Aiden. I’m sure she didn’t mean anything by her comment.”

“Sure, she did, Sam.” Finishing the food on his plate, he pushed it away. “I should probably take off, too. Thanks for letting me join you.”

“It was good to see you,” Sam said. “Will you be at the grand opening?”

“I will. I’ve also asked Sheriff Duggan if he can spare another deputy. I doubt anything will happen. The same as the fires at Whistle Rock, whoever trashed her shop wants to stay anonymous. He’s more likely to try again when the shop’s closed.”

Logan followed Sam back to Whistle Rock. He could’ve waved and gone on to his place. Instead, he parked beside her. Rounding his truck and hers, he stopped in front of Sam. Before she knew his intentions, he cupped her face in both hands, and staring into dark brown eyes, brushed a kiss across her lips.

He didn’t hold her tight, giving Sam time to step away. To his surprise, she slid her arms around his neck to press her mouth against his. It lasted long enough for Logan to confirm how difficult it would be to continue pretending he felt nothing more than friendship for her.

Pulling away, he moved his hands to her shoulders as he took a step back. “I wanted to kiss you since spotting you at Laurel’s.”

“I’m glad you didn’t wait any longer.”

Chuckling, he ran a finger down her cheek. “Yeah. Me, too.”

Sam glanced around, relaxing when she didn’t spot any of the guests or ranch hands. “I should get inside before we catch someone’s attention.”

“I’ll walk you to your cabin.”

“No need. I’m capable of getting there by myself.”

“I know. I’m still going with you. After all, you are my fiancée.”

A slow smile broke across her face. “Not for real.”

“Close enough.” He took her hand in his, setting a slow pace across the expansive space between the large barn and lodge. Reaching the small porch, he kissed her once more.

“Thanks for dinner.”

“You’re welcome. Are you planning to help Laurel after work tomorrow?”

“I’ll call to make sure she needs me.”

“If she does, call me. I’d like to go with you.”

“You don’t trust Miguel to stay away?”

“That, and I want to spend more time with you.”

She fell silent. He could almost see the wheels turning before she spoke. “What’s going on, Logan?”

He shrugged. “I’m not sure. I just know being around you makes me feel good.”

Studying his face, she nodded. “All right. I can accept that for now.” Leaning up, she gave him a quick kiss before opening the cabin’s door.
