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The poor calf was scared to death. Logan didn’t blame him. If he hadn’t been out searching for strays, the calf could’ve drowned in the deep hole.

Almost half an hour passed before he tugged the little guy out and onto solid ground. His mother had never been more than a few yards away, watching and waiting.

Another hour sped by before he returned to the barn and washed up. Stomach growling, Logan warmed up some leftover lasagna Abigail brought over. Finishing every bite, he checked the time. He still had a couple hours of daylight left to finish a project in the barn.

It was almost seven o’clock before he thought to check his messages. Tugging out his phone, he opened his texts. There was one. From Sam.

His stomach clenched.

Logan had decided he needed some space. Not that she’d been crowding him. The opposite had been the case. It had been a hard and lonely five days since he’d seen her.

He’d learned to stay busy, pack his day from sunup to supper with work. No matter what he did, she’d never been far from his mind.

The text made him grin, and ache, at the same time.

How about pizza Saturday night?

The message made him miss her even more.

Over the last week, he’d learned Miguel had worked for Amanda at Kicking Horse Ranch. Logan’s source, Brady Blackwolf, told him Miguel had left town two days ago, with a plan to head back to the Midwest. Logan didn’t doubt it was true.

Miguel would never win Sam back. He could’ve stayed in Brilliance a hundred years and still not convince her to give him another chance.

Logan wondered if Sam knew of his departure. Miguel leaving could be the reason she wanted to see him Saturday night. With her ex gone, the need to continue their fake engagement could end.

If that’s what she wanted.

For his part, he didn’t want to let her go.

“Hey, Sam. You have mail.” Owen held up an envelope.

She knew who sent it and smiled. Taking the envelope from Owen’s outstretched hand, she stared at the handwriting and frowned. It wasn’t her mother’s distinct, flowing text, nor her father’s small tight lettering. The return address had been omitted.

“Everything all right, Sam?”

“Um, yeah. It’s all good. Thanks, Owen.”

“Sure thing.” He moved on, leaving her with a mystery to solve.

Opening the envelope, she unfolded the paper, letting her eyes slide to the bottom. A second later, she had her answer.

“Miguel?” Sam said the word as if it were a curse. She couldn’t imagine what he had to say in a letter that couldn’t be said over the phone, in a text, or in person.

Starting from the top, she read.


It took me a while to understand I should never have come to Brilliance. Your life is set. I’m still searching for mine. Anyway, by the time you get this, I’ll be long gone. Not sure where I’m headed, but it’ll be far from here. Tell your boss I’m sorry about the fires. Same for the damage to shop downtown. Just me blowing off steam. Have a good life, Sam.


“It was him the entire time.” She looked up, making sure no one was watching or had heard. Righteous anger had replaced curiosity.

Folding the letter, she slid it into the envelope before stuffing it into the back pocket of her Wranglers. Sam would have to let Wyatt and Laurel know what Miguel had done, as soon as the fury inside her faded.

It was Saturday morning and she still hadn’t heard from Logan. She’d thought the invitation to meet for pizza would result in a response, but he’d never texted her back.

