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“Thanks, but I’m pretty sure I can make it.”

“Pretty sure isn’t good enough,” Virgil said.

“I’ll walk with her.” Sam sent an encouraging smile to Jasmine. “Be back in a few, Virgil.”

He watched a minute to make certain the teenager would be all right before turning his attention to the guests who still stood around.

“Anyone have any questions?”

Sam sat with Jasmine for several minutes, checking her pupils once more. “Are you going to be okay?”

“Yeah. I feel silly. Especially since I have no idea why I fainted.”

“None at all?”

Jasmine glanced away. “Well, I fainted at cheer practice back home.”

Sam lowered herself onto a chair. “When was this?”

“A week or two before coming here.”

“Did you go to emergency or have tests done?”

“No. My parents were getting ready for their long trip.” She rolled her eyes. “They talked to our family doctor on the phone. They talked more about their trip than about me.” Snickering, she dropped onto another chair. “I just get lightheaded. I tried to grab the corral rail this time but couldn’t get to it.”

“You aren’t going to like this, but we should go to the hospital and talk to a doctor.” Sam stood, taking a few steps toward the door.

“No!” Jasmine pursed her lips, lowering her voice. “I’d rather rest here.”

“Not good enough, kiddo. I’m going to talk to Virgil.”

“He’ll agree with you.”

“Probably. Fainting twice in a few weeks without a reason should be checked out. I’ll come back and let you know what Virgil says.”

Sam spotted him talking to a few of the guests. By the time she reached them, the crowd had dispersed.

“How’s Jasmine?”

“All right, but we must take her to the hospital.” Sam told him what she’d learned from Jasmine. “I can take her, Virgil. There’s no need for both of us to go.”

“I’d appreciate it, Sam. Doc Mason should be in emergency. Do you know who he is?”

“We’ve met. He was on the baseball team for the hospital. A real good player.”

“Yeah. He chewed us up with his pitching. Do you need help with Jasmine?”

Sam chuckled. “She can walk fine. I’ll fetch her and be off.”

“Let me know what the doc says.”

“Will do.”

The emergency room didn’t buzz with the normal crazy chaos Logan expected. Helping the injured ranch hand, he moved at a slow pace toward the attendant at the desk. He spoke before she could.

“We need to see the doctor as soon as possible.”

Lifting her head, she did a slow perusal of the ranch hand, wincing at the blood seeping from the temporary bandage across his neck and around one arm. She noted his chin lolled against his chest.
