Page 32 of Winning Offer

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Four months later...

Harper climbed out of Liam’s Range Rover where he’d stopped it on the rise of the property. Behind them, seventeen horses grazed on the grass, with brand new shelters tucked into the corner of each paddock.

On the other side of the road, new railed fencing showcased paddocks cleared of weeds, the new grass thick, green and inviting, and ready for more horses to graze it. Going by all the enquiries it wouldn’t take long to fill the large paddocks that allowed for a handful of horses, along with the smaller paddocks designed for one or two horses.

Liam stepped behind her, his arms settling around her before she leaned against him. “How does it feel seeing your dreams come true?” he asked tenderly.

“Surreal,” she admitted, drinking in the sight before she turned in his arms and drank in an even better one. “I couldn’t have done it without you.”

“I sped up the process, that’s all,” he said. Pride laced his voice. “Given time, I have no doubt you would have done all this on your own.”

He turned then, keeping an arm around her waist as they took in the view of the house. It shone white under the sunlight, the now graveled road and green leafy trees highlighting its majesty. Then there was the organic garden at the back, which she planned to use to help feed the guests.

Liam had convinced her to hire a cook and a cleaner, both of whom would start next week when her first B&B guests arrived. The interior of the house was a masterpiece, one she was sure her guests would appreciate. That she and Liam still had their own personal living space, which they’d also renovated, meant they had all the privacy they loved when they didn’t feel a need to mingle with others.

“We should probably stop gawping and get some food and drinks ready before your family arrives,” she suggested.

“We probably should,” he agreed, kissing her scalp before releasing her. “My sister, brothers and their wives, along with their children, will be a good test for us.”

She sighed happily. “I’m sure they’ll love it here as much as we do.”

That she planned on using horses for therapy in the future was just another dream she knew would come to fruition sooner rather than later. She also hoped to keep some of her property free for those neglected horses that needed rest and rehabilitation before rehoming them.

“I doubt anyone could love this place more than us,” he declared.

“Or my dad,” she said thickly.

“I’m sure he’s smiling down at us right now,” Liam said gently, “as proud of you as I am.”

She followed him to the car then, and as Liam drove them to the house, she was aware of how very lucky she and Liam had been finding one another. Their future shone with as much promise as the restored, majestic house that shone in front of them.
