Page 22 of Bought at Auction

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Luna leaned forward and shouted, “What did you say to him?”

Aiden grinned. “Nothing you’d like to hear.”

When she frowned, he took her hand and spun her around, once, then dropped her back onto his arm, her head so close to the floor the ends of her pony tail threatened to scrape along it. He pushed her back up so that she straightened before he drew her around. Then cupping her chin, their bodies mashing together, he lowered his head and kissed her.

She didn’t deny him. She opened her mouth, her lips soft and welcoming, the tip of her tongue meeting his in a duel while so many other bodies bumped and grinded around them. Her hands snaked over his shoulders, her touch scorching through his shirt like a brand.

What would she think about him calling her his girlfriend? Would she like the idea? And why did it matter to him so much? Were his feelings already that strong?

His chest tightened. Had his feelings ever really diminished for her over time? He couldn’t help but wonder if they might even have grown more powerful. Lord only knew he thought about her at the most inopportune times.

Luna pulled back, her lips glistening right along with her eyes. When the song came to an end and the singer announced a short break, Luna said huskily, “I don’t think I’m ever going to forget this night.”

“Me neither,” he admitted. He grinned, “Do you want to go up to my room and make it really memorable?”

She giggled, but there was heat in her stare. “I’d like that.” Her stare caught onto someone across the room. She arched a brow. “Who is that woman with Liam?’

Aiden glanced at the girl with strawberry-blonde hair who was presently sucking on the straw of the drink Aiden had purchased for Luna. When the other girl then twirled the drink’s little umbrella around with her fingers, Aiden said, “I don’t know, but he sure didn’t take long finding someone to give that drink to.”

Luna reached up on tiptoe. “I wasn’t thirsty anyway,” she whispered against his lips.

With a groan he cupped her face and kissed her again, their mouths joined even as they slowly progressed through the crowd and toward the private elevator.

Chapter Eleven

Luna was lost so completely to Aiden, heart and soul, she didn’t care about any future repercussions. She only cared that her immediate needs be met.

The elevator door swished shut and he pressed her against the far wall and continued kissing while one of his big hands inched up under the hem of her dress.

“Spread your legs,” he growled.

She couldn’t have disobeyed him if she’d tried. She had a lot of catching up to do sexually, and Aiden was the perfect man to do it with. He knew just the right things to do to her, how to stimulate and provoke, how to push and pull her in every direction until she imploded.

He pushed aside her scanty thong and immediately zeroed in on her clit. “So wet for me,” he said hoarsely. “I’m about to make you a whole lot wetter.”

He flicked her clit and sank one digit deep inside her. She moaned, her head falling back and her eyes closing as her other senses took over. His rhythmic slide in and out of her pussy with one finger, then two, made her counterthrust against him as sensation built and built. His clever thumb as he kneaded her clit round and round, forcing her even closer to the edge.
