Page 23 of Bought at Auction

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She reached out, touching the big lump of his arousal. He was so big. How had he ever fit inside her? That she wanted his length back inside her again made her half-mad with lust.

It wasn’t until the elevator doors swished apart, and the sitting room with its three doors leading to separate penthouse suites appeared, that she finally surrendered to Aiden’s skilled foreplay. Stars burst behind her eyelids as electric heat shot through her core and spread ever outward, the orgasm then flinging her high and allowing her to sail amongst the stars.

He kissed her again, dragging his fingers from her crotch before he reared back and stuck the tip of one of his fingers into her mouth. “Taste what I do to you,” he said huskily.

She sucked delicately, then drew his finger to the back of her mouth, her tongue twirling around the tip before she withdrew. “I want to do that to your cock,” she said hoarsely.

His growl told her all too clearly he wanted that, too. And when he bent and picked her up, she was glad for all his strength, his power. Her legs were so shaky after her climax they barely held her up.

Then he was stalking out of the elevator and toward his penthouse door, and all she wanted was to be inside his rooms in their own private world.

Luna woke sore and aching all over, and yet she’d never felt better. Holy shit, she could get used to this. Except that was the last thing she needed. She needed to keep her heart intact and the reasons why she was here in the first place at the forefront of her mind.

She wasn’t here to imagine she’d reignite some magical love story. She wanted to have her fill of him, then leave him, wretched and despairing, like he’d left her. Revenge mightn’t be her thing, but he deserved a taste of his own medicine.

She sat, amazed to find him slumbering beside her. She resisted reaching out and touching the dark stubble along his jawline, the strong and steady beat of his pulse at his throat. She sniffed deeply, dragging in his scent of citrus and amber with its heavenly mix of salty perspiration thanks to their energetic night.

She touched her lips. She’d sucked him until he’d come with a strangled shout, his seed pulsing down her throat. She thought she’d hate it, but she’d adored making him lose all control, then drinking him dry. Then he’d reciprocated and gone down on her, before he’d fucked her soundly in a number of positions and tempos.

Her chest constricted. It’d be too easy to forget the reason she was here, too easy to forgive the man who’d torn her world apart. But she wouldn’t, she couldn’t. She needed to move on from the past...from him.

He muttered something in his sleep, one of his legs bending and dragging the sheet lower.

Her mouth dried. His abs were defined even in sleep, his eight-pack musculature beyond impressive. That the white sheet contrasted perfectly to his sun-kissed skin and the flecks of dark pubic hair made her want to push the sheet completely aside and stare at his morning erection.

She pushed away the thought of climbing astride him and riding his long weapon, and instead climbed out of bed and stalked toward the walk-in closet. She found a unisex robe and shrugged it on, trying not to think about how many other women had worn this very same item of clothing after a night of rough, passionate sex.

She sighed heavily, walking barefoot past the still slumbering Aiden and out into the kitchen where she flicked on the kettle. She needed some caffeine and some time alone to mull through her thoughts. She was getting too attached, growing too close to the man who’d hurt her so badly.

She needed space, distance.

But first, coffee.

She was out on the balcony, her mind empty as she sipped her coffee, when Aiden approached from behind, his arms snagging her around the waist as he bent and kissed the top of her head.

“I was afraid you might have left me,” he said huskily, his arousal all too apparent beneath his towel. That they were on a balcony where any number of people might see him didn’t seem to worry him overly much.

She turned in his arms. “Would it bother you if it was me who left you this time?” she asked. Though she knew it would, was hoping it would, she needed to hear him say it.

He winced. “I think you know the answer to that,” he said huskily, then bent and claimed her lips with his own.

She sighed against his mouth. He’d given her an answer without really answering. That he’d then distracted her with this kiss might have annoyed her if she wasn’t so fully invested in it. Foreplay with Aiden was beyond enjoyable. If sex with him gave her indescribable orgasms, then the kissing and touching that led up to it was at least half as fun.

Her whole body vibrated with pleasure, her aches and pains buried beneath layers of undeniably joyous, physical intimacy.

Aiden would eventually abandon her again, but not before she got the opportunity to do it first. And she’d wait until he was at the peak of his infatuation with her before she walked away for good. That she only had a week shouldn’t be a problem. They’d known each other for years when they were younger so there was no real need for the formality of getting to know each other period.

Sex was what ultimately bound them together.

Then he dragged his head from hers and looked down at her with a heavy sigh. “As much as I want to ravage you, I’m already late for a business meeting.”

She’d put out to the universe that she needed some space, it looked like she was getting it. So why was she already feeling at a loss? Empty?

She withheld a curse. This was not how she wanted to feel. She folded her arms across her chest. She just needed to remind herself of how she felt when Aiden left her all those years ago.

He smiled, his handsome façade almost too much to resist. “But I do have something planned later for us tonight...if you trust me.”

If you trust me? What was that supposed to mean? It sounded...ominous. And she probably didn’t need to tell him she wasn’t big on trust. That was an emotion that had to be earned, and he was a long way from doing that.
