Page 25 of Bought at Auction

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He deserved to feel that much at least.

“Luna, if you want to talk about—“

“No,” she interjected quickly. “Thank you, though. I-I just want to live in the present.”

He nodded, then smiled. Probably relieved to not have to hash out their sordid breakup. “Okay, but if you change your mind, I’m here, okay?”

She clasped his hand and allowed him to lead her to the front door and then to the elevator. She didn’t like the twinge of guilt his kind words produced inside her. She had nothing to feel guilty about, at least, not yet. That emotion was all on him.

It wasn’t until he led her to the front of a building, where a driver stood beside a stretch limousine, that she forgot all her misgivings and focused on the present. “This is ours?”

He nodded. “It sure is. I was hoping you’d be impressed.”

She laughed, her throat squeezing with a ridiculous amount of pleasure. She’d never been into the needing to be seen crowd, like many of the wealthy people seemed to enjoy. But there was something ridiculously pleasing about him wanting to give her the best, even just of a night. “I am impressed,” she declared, before she slid into the very back of the limousine.

He slid in beside her, the chauffeur then closing the door and enclosing them in their own bubble, where the outside world seemingly no longer existed. Little wonder. The driver’s seat was nowhere to be seen, not with the blue-neon lit partition in front of them that featured a television playing clips of crooning love songs, and an inbuilt bar that had recessed areas for frosted glasses. A champagne bottle rested in ice inside its specially built receptacle.

“So this is how the rich live,” she said with wide eyes.

Aiden leaned forward and lifted the champagne bottle from its ice bath, then proceeded to pop its cork. Taking out the cloth napkin folded inside a long, slender flute, he poured her a glass before he poured one for himself.

He lifted his drink and she followed suit, the glasses clinking together like a resounding, high-pitched bell. “Cheers.”

“Cheers,” she repeated.

She swallowed some of the fizzing, liquid gold, all too quickly feeling giddy and filled with anticipation. She’d be happy just circling the city in this car for hours, drinking champers and gazing deep into the eyes of the man she’d once been deeply, irrevocably in love with.

She’d been a foolish girl, a teenager who’d worn her heart on her sleeve and her emotions open for all to see. She’d lived a lot since then. Not sexually, though she’d been close a few times. Even if her heartbreak hadn’t forced her to grow up fast, travelling and partaking in loads of life experiences had made her stronger, wiser. And perhaps a little more cynical and bitter.

Aiden’s dark eyes seemed to glitter with an unnatural light thanks to the glowing blue neon. A tiny shiver went through her. It was a surreal moment, no matter which way she looked at it.

Not only had he paid an exorbitant fee to date her for the night—which never guaranteed sex, it was only implied—he’d made each day and night unforgettable in many ways, not least of which had been their intimacy.

Sex with Aiden had been eye-opening and amazing. It’d been...magical.

She swallowed past a sudden lump in her throat. Leaving him wasn’t going to be as easy as she’d envisioned. But then nothing in life came easy, least of all confronting her own demons by being with Aiden once again, then dumping him.

“What do you think of your surprise so far?” he asked with a grin.

She sucked down some more champagne. “I’m not going to complain, that’s for sure.”

He chuckled. “I’m glad to hear it.”

She stared at him as he sat in the seat right next to her, his shoulder and thigh brushing against hers. They had the luxury of so much space and yet they might as well be sitting in a mini-minor. She snorted a little at the realization. Then conceded she would have been offended if he hadn’t sat close.

This was their time together, and though he mightn’t know it yet, that time would be short. She’d be making the most of it while it lasted.

“Another?” he offered, retrieving the champagne bottle.

She nodded. “Sure. It’s not every day a woman gets to ride around in the back of a limousine.”

He poured her another glass, his teeth a dazzling white under the neon as he smiled. “If it makes you this happy I’ll be sure to take you again.”

She didn’t reply, just accepted her drink and gulped half of the contents down in a couple of swallows. Her stomach rolled. Their days together were numbered. There would be no more limousine rides after this one.

He arched a brow. “Are you okay?”

She glanced out the tinted windows, her pulse fluttering at seeing the too familiar houses outside. “I-I think so.” She frowned. “Where are we going?”
