Page 27 of Bought at Auction

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“And when were you going to decide to do that? Tomorrow? Next week? Next month? Never?”

She glared at him. “Like I said, that decision was mine to make.” She rubbed her brow. “I suppose they’re expecting us?”

He nodded. “They are.”

The driver pulled open the back door. Aiden climbed out, then proffered his hand to her. After a second’s hesitation, she took it and climbed out too, her face a little pale and her eyes a little damp. She looked up at him. “You had no right to do this.”

Doubts crept into his psyche, followed right after by strong belief. If he’d never met her parents he wouldn’t have gone ahead and taken her here, but he’d seen their love for her, had experienced firsthand their adoration for their only daughter. It hadn’t mattered to them that she’d been adopted, she’d been their world.

To have that taken away from them, away from Luna too, was a travesty he wanted to make right. If Luna hated him for it, then so be it. At least he’d tried.

But as they walked up the concrete pathway, he couldn’t help but notice the leaves that were piled up, the lackluster garden with its neglected flowers and shrubbery. Luna’s mother had loved gardening, so what the hell had changed?

Maybe losing her daughter?

He glanced at Luna, aware of her hitched breath, of her wide stare that took in the same neglected garden he had. He squeezed her hand, trying to give her some reassurance. But if she noticed, she didn’t let on.

They climbed half-a-dozen steps, then stopped in front of the faded red door before he turned to her and asked, “Are you ready?”

She shook her head. “You know I’m not.” She swept out a hand. “This isn’t the front yard I remember.”

“Things change, Luna. We’ve changed.”

He pressed the doorbell and the front door suddenly opened, revealing a gray-haired, too thin woman whose cheekbones were as sharp as her protruding collarbone.

Aiden sucked in a breath. These last eighteen years had really taken a toll on the woman standing in front of them.

“Mom,” Luna breathed out, her voice shaky and tellingly shocked.

Her mother’s voice cracked. “Luna, you’re really here.” She stepped outside and embraced Luna as though her life depended on it. “We missed you so much,” she said starkly.

Her father appeared in the doorway behind them. “Luna,” he said hoarsely. Then all three of them were on the stoop hugging it out, while Aiden looked on with his vison going blurry.

There had been so many memories at this house. Luna’s parents had always loved having him around, had imagined him as part of their family one day. Had probably presumed they’d even have grandchildren one day to dote on.

He pushed aside another charge of guilt. He couldn’t change the past, but perhaps he could change the future.

Luna’s mother wiped the corners of her eyes. “I’d almost given up on ever seeing you again.” She looked at Aiden. “Just tell us you’re not going to hurt her again.”

Luna stiffened. “Mom, that’s enough. We’re not dating, we’re just friends.”

His eyes narrowed. Is that so?

Her mother shook her head. “I don’t believe that for a second. You have always been like magnets who can’t keep away from each other. I’m only surprised you didn’t reconnect a whole lot sooner.”

“A bit hard when our daughter’s career kept her away from everyone,” her father said gruffly, his veiny hand swiping over his balding head.

If Luna’s mother had aged, her father hadn’t fared much better. He was hunched now and frail, and looked as though a puff of wind might blow him right over. Even his once sparkling blue eyes were dull.

Aiden held out his hand. “It’s good to see you again, Sir.”

Her father laughed. “I’m not so sure I feel the same way, not after everything that happened. But if you’ve brought our daughter back home, even if for a short time, that’s enough reason for me to be happy to see you.” He clasped Aiden’s hand, then said, “And please, call me Jim. You’re no longer the teenager I remember.”

Aiden nodded, then turned to Luna’s mother. He didn’t expect or deserve a hug, but she quickly embraced him, her floral scent almost overpowering him while bathing him in nostalgia.

“You can call me Desiree now, too” she said hoarsely. Then she pulled away, her puffy eyes searching his. “I’m trusting that you’re here for all the right reasons this time?”

He nodded. “I am.” He looked at Luna. She looked back at him, the strange, contemplative look on her face making his gut churn. “If your daughter can ever fully forgive me for what happened.”
