Page 31 of Bought at Auction

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“Hey!” she slapped his arm playfully. “You never complained about my love of romantic comedies when we were younger!”

“That’s because I was too busy watching you watch the movie,” he said in a thick, gravelly voice.

“So what’s changed?” she asked in mock outrage. As though hearing how much he had adored her wasn’t unpicking all the pieces of her heart that were held together by a thread.

“Nothing’s changed,” he conceded. “Except that an action movie might have the slightest chance to distract me from you.” He chuckled darkly. ”I doubt it, though.” He climbed to his feet and looked down at her with warm eyes. “Don’t go anywhere. I’ll be back shortly with our lunch.”

For an infinitesimal second, she was tempted to do just that. To stand up and walk away and never look back, just like he’d done to her. Except he hadn’t disappeared without first letting her know they were done. And as much as it would be the easiest way to hurt him, it wouldn’t be the worst.

She wanted him to experience even a little of the hurt he’d given her. Maybe then he’d have more empathy for the next woman in his life. And maybe then, he’d understand how deeply words could cut...could flay.

Chapter Fifteen

Aiden couldn’t put a finger on what had changed with Luna when he returned with their paper-wrapped fish and chips, but she was definitely not in the same frame of mind as she had been when he’d left.

But then she often drifted off into her own world, distracted by whatever thoughts haunted her. He only hoped she didn’t dwell on their past breakup, and how much he’d hurt her. He could only try and make it up to her. Lord only knew he loved to see her laugh, just as he loved to see all her inhibitions shed as they kissed and made love.

Made love? Was that what they’d been doing? He pulled a chip free from its wrapping and threw it to a seagull, the bird immediately catching it midair in its beak, then flying away with a triumphant squawk. When had he and Luna gone from having sex to making love?

It hadn’t yet even been a week and he was already falling for her. Already? Had he ever really gotten over her? Was it possible that his love had grown, not diminished, over the years?

A shiver of premonition went through him. He’d never even asked about her career. When did she have to return? Was their reunion already coming to an end? He sucked in a noisy breath. Losing her now was unthinkable.

He sat down beside her and she reached for her sundress and pulled it over her head, covering her bikini along with the perfection of her body.

“Smells so good,” she said with a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes.

Concern ratcheted through him more sharply. Shit. Had his instincts been right and he really did have something to worry about?

He unwrapped the fish and chips, along with the couple of potato cakes he’d ordered, and they munched on the simple takeaway as the surf continued to rumble in and out, seagulls gathering on the grass in front of them while people strolled past on the sidewalk between the ocean and the park.

Luna threw a chip in to the flock of gulls, and they immediately squabbled for the prize, half-a-dozen flapping into the air to chase down the victor.

“So tell me about your work?” he asked.

She broke off a piece of crumbed fish, her face thoughtful. “There’s not a lot to say. I get paid to travel to loads of different places around the world I would never have otherwise seen.”
