Page 4 of Bought at Auction

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Now that she was standing on her own two feet, he wanted her back in his arms, with her curves pressed against his body, her siren-red lips parted with invitation and her shining eyes gazing up into his.

He’d remedy that soon enough.

At least now he understood the adrenaline rush of the bid, the thick desire thrumming through the bloodstream. It was as potent and as heady as any passionate kiss.

Little wonder his older brother, Galan, had bid in last year’s auction and succumbed to the one woman he’d desired from afar. The lucky bastard was happily married now, and in a few months’ time would also have his hands full with twins.

Aiden pushed back a sudden spike of envy. He was glad for his older brother, of course he was. Galan deserved everything good and then some that had come his way. He’d worked his ass off—they all had—to get where they were now.

Rich and successful beyond their wildest dreams.

But what good was being rich and successful when there was no one to share it with? Love was the only thing missing in Aiden’s life, and he’d damn well screwed that up the moment he’d finished things with Luna, and broken her heart.

Aside from his long-gone, much-loved mother, Luna had been the only woman in his life he’d ever truly cared about, the only person he wished he’d never let go. Seeing her again only highlighted how much he missed her, how much he still wanted her.

Luna’s eyes glittered as she looked up at him, as if she too was lost in the past. And as if she too believed they were the only two in the room. “I’m glad you bid,” she admitted softly.

Seriously? She hadn’t given off that vibe yesterday.

Hope burned in his chest even as he narrowed his eyes, assessing her. A pity he couldn’t read her mind. When they were younger, they’d been so close they’d sometimes finished off each other’s sentences. But then he’d thought their love would never end, that it’d conquer whatever obstacles were in their way.

He couldn’t have been more damn wrong.

When he’d lost his parents, Luna had tried to comfort him, to shield him from at least a little of the terrible grief. But he’d rejected her, turned away from her, deciding there and then that loving someone wasn’t worth the heartache and pain.

He’d been so caught up in his own grief; he hadn’t considered Luna’s feelings. Yet now recalling telling her they were over, his heart wrenched at the memory of her pale, shocked face, her bloodless lips and staring eyes.

Grief wasn’t any excuse for being an asshole.

The room had grown quiet, the all-male audience—aside from three or four female bar staff—waiting for Aiden and Luna to clear the room for the next girl to come out on stage. Aiden let go of his somber past to refocus on the girl of the present.

This was his chance to make amends with Luna, to prove to her that he’d fucked up and was beyond sorry for his mistake. Hell, he’d do anything—whatever it took—so long as she forgave him.

A weight lifting off his shoulders, he drew her close, crooked his neck and repeated into her ear, “Are you sure you’re ready for this?”

Chapter Three
