Page 15 of Coming Home

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“Hm and as a doctor, I need to keep seeing my patients. I can’t do that if I’m at home catching Zach’s flu.”

Their mother dished out the chicken as they filled their plates with potatoes and corn. “Will you bring him home some leftovers?”

Rachel thanked her. “Well, I would, but he’s not really eating much more than soup, and I’m going out anyway.”

“Do you want me to drop you in?” Emily asked, assuming she was having a few drinks.

“Why don’t you join us?”

Emily held out her plate so her mother could pile on a few slices of chicken. “Thanks,” she said before turning to Rebecca. “Who’s us?”

“Just Quinn.”

Emily’s fork full of chicken and mashed potatoes paused in mid-air before it reached her mouth. She processed that bit of information before enjoying the perfectly cooked chicken and all the seasoning that came with it.

Her mother sat down across from Emily. “Tell Quinn she’s welcome here for Christmas. I know I ask her every year, but I don’t want her to think that she’s not welcome. It is a real invitation. I’m not just saying it.”

Rebecca chuckled. “She knows that. She also doesn’t mind spending the day alone.”

Her mother chimed in between bites. “No one should be alone at Christmas.”

Emily just looked between them as she ate. What was going on? Quinn was asked to have dinner here every year?


“I’ll tell her again,” Rebecca said. “But I doubt she will.”

Her mother’s eyes were on Emily now. “You’d like Quinn. She’s so sweet. She’s always helping Rebecca out at the community center.”

“Yeah.” Emily blinked. This was surreal. No one seemed to realize that Emily already knew Quinn. That she had been her professor. “I actually spent the day with her today. Delivering meals.”

“Then you should go out with them tonight,” her mother said as she lifted the corn on the cob to her mouth and took a bite. “You’re spending too much time up at that cabin. Take the day off tomorrow. Sleep in. It’ll still be there. Plus, Tom is working tonight. I met him in town earlier.”

“Who?” Emily asked.

“The local taxi driver,” her mother said.

Emily wanted to, but she wasn’t sure that it was a good idea. Quinn wouldn’t be expecting her to join them, and there was always a chance that Rebecca would put two and two together and realize that Quinn had been Emily’s professor, the same one that Emily had confessed having a massive crush on.

“So, what do you think?” Rebecca asked a few minutes later.

Emily’s leg bounced beneath the table. Ever since she’d met Quinn at the coffee shop, she’d been hoping to run into her again in a casual setting where they could talk, and hopefully, Emily’s crush would start to fade the more she got to know Quinn as Quinn and not Professor Grant. And this was the perfect opportunity for that.

Not that that had happened today with all the time they spent together. More than once, Emily had caught herself checking Quinn out. How could she not? Emily had never seen Quinn in jeans before. And a red sweater that fit her perfectly?

So, maybe Emily’s plan was delusional.

But was she really going to turn down spending more time with Quinn?

“Yeah. I think I’ll join you guys,” Emily said as casually as possible while her mind was already wandering to what she’d wear, running a hand through her hair now as she sat back, knowing she’d need to shower before they left. She’d had a beanie hat on for most of the day.

“Great. You might even see Maya later,” Rebecca said, taking Emily away from her thoughts.


“Maya. She has a stall at the market. She sells incense and essential oils. Some yoga gear too.”

“Oh,” Emily said as she finished her dinner. She had to tell Rebecca that she actually wasn’t interested in her at all in case she started interfering.
