Page 34 of Daydreams of You

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Vanessa’s eyes widened. “Really?”

Heather nodded, a smile spreading across her face as she realized she truly meant it. “I’ve actually been thinking about it a lot lately. I know we haven’t been together that long yet. But I’ve never felt this way about anyone before.”

Vanessa leaned in and kissed Heather, her hand on Heather’s cheek. Heather melted into her embrace, the rest of the crowd around them fading away.

When they broke apart, Vanessa rested her forehead against Heather’s. “Would you really leave the city? What about your job?”

“I’ve been freelancing,” Heather said, pulling away to meet Vanessa’s eyes. “I have enough clients and references that I’m pretty confident I can leave my job anytime I want now and have enough work to keep me going.”

“What?” Vanessa’s mouth fell open before a smile started to form on her lips. “You’ve been planning this? Trying to figure out how to make it work?”

“Yes. Why wouldn’t I? I’m crazy about you Vanessa, and I know your life is here. Your family. Your business.”

Just then, the first firework shot up into the sky with a thunderous boom. Heather and Vanessa both jumped at the sudden noise, then laughed as Vanessa wrapped her arm around Heather’s waist.

They turned their gaze to the night sky as it erupted into dazzling bursts of color that reflected off the still water.

Vanessa’s fingers brushed a piece of hair behind Heather’s ear, and Heather turned to smile at her, finding a dazed look on Vanessa’s face.

“You okay?” Heather asked in the silence before the next firework went off.

“I love you,” Vanessa said, her eyes searching Heather’s. “I already did. But I can’t wait any longer to say it.”

Heather’s heart swelled, her breath catching in her throat as the thud of another firework launched into the sky, crackling and hissing on its way down.

Heather’s hand was on Vanessa’s cheek. “I love you too. So much,” she said, surprised by the emotion in her voice, by the lump in her throat.

And when Heather leaned in to kiss Vanessa, she’d never felt as lucky as she did right then in that moment. Lucky that Megan had gone on that disastrous date and left Heather alone that night to wander into the wine bar. Lucky that Vanessa had also picked the same bar for her evening drinks. Lucky that Megan’s crazy scheme to pretend to be Heather’s girlfriend was the very thing that brought Vanessa back to her.

And so very lucky that Vanessa felt the same way about her.
