Page 223 of Let's Play

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“Don’t leave me,” she finally heard him mumble.

“I won’t.”

The next hour was one of the scariest moments she’d ever encountered as they waited to find out the outcome of his injury. True to her word, she’d ridden in the ambulance and held his hand the entire time while whispering words of encouragement to him.

“It was fun while it lasted,” he muttered.

“Don’t say that, Alec. You’ll be back in no time,” she tried to reassure him, knowing in the back of her mind that he might be right. This very well might be the end of his career.

As his face continued to swell and his eyes almost completely shut now, it became even more difficult for him to communicate with her.

“Ma’am, we’re going to take him back now. You’ll have to wait in the waiting room until we know more,” one of the ER nurses attempted to tell her.

“She’s my wife,” she heard Alec say. “I’d like for her to stay with me.”

This time, she didn’t bother to correct him. If it meant she got to stay alongside him, then so be it. She’d pretend to be his wife for as long as she needed to be. Right now, Alec needed someone to reassure him it was all going to be okay. And that someone just happened to be her.

It was too soon to tell what the future held for the two of them. If anything at all. Could be they were better suited as friends, but Camryn had a feeling there was more going on than either of them were willing to admit.

One thing was certain, she’d be there for him as long as he needed her to be. And if something more happened along the way…well, she’d take her chances when the time came.

The End…For Now


About the Author

Amy Stephens is a new adult/contemporary romance author. Born and raised in Alabama, she lives just minutes from the beautiful gulf coast beaches.

When she’s not busy writing, you’ll find her reading, going on cruises with her husband, or taking a road trip for a girl’s weekend getaway. She’s a huge sports fan, but she prefers watching the games at home where she can curl up on the couch with her three cats.

Amy has been in retail management for nearly thirty years. She published her first book in 2014 and would love to one day become a full-time writer.

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About Bohemian Game

Ten years ago, Clover broke the love of her life’s heart by remaining at home while Sutton pursued his dream career of playing pro baseball. Now he’s back to take care of his dad after a surgery and wants to win Clover back. Clover’s not sure this is a game she can play to win.


