Page 50 of Let's Play

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“Um. Can I take a few things off please?” Becky asks, her face turning red in embarrassment.

“Just add my stuff to it and I’ll pay the difference.” I speak up. The cashier looks at me as if I have lost my mind.

“No. I’ll just take a few things off. Thank you though.” Becky’s voice becomes hard and unyielding again towards me.

I wait for them to finish up and I watch her walk out the door with her bags.

“I don’t know why people like that can’t just check their balances ahead of time.” The cashier huffs again but turns silent from my eyes narrowing to slits.

“People like that are hard working and kind.” I say through gritted teeth after I pay, grabbing my bags and heading for the door.

“Fucking people and their narrow minded bullshit.” I talk to myself as I head to my car.

“Hey, sorry about what happened in there.” I hear from my left, looking over I see Becky standing next to her car.

“It’s all good. I overstepped. I’m the one that should be apologizing to you.” I say politely.

“You were trying to be kind and I’m not exactly used to that. Usually if someone is being kind, then they want something from me.” She shrugs her shoulder.

“I don’t want anything from you Becky. Well...I do but I don’t.” I grin.

“What does that even mean?” She laughs, shaking her head.

“It means, I don’t expect you to do anything but I am still hoping that you will have dinner with me.” She laughs again, shaking her head. “Is that a no?” I ask.

“It’s definitely a no.” Her smile is huge when she says it this time.

She doesn’t wait to see if I say anything else before getting into her car and driving away.

I’m still standing there grinning like a fool as I watch her tail lights fade into the dark.

I’ll wear her down if it's the last thing I do. I think to myself, getting into my own car.



Sunday mornings at the diner are a little slower as people tend to trickle in all day instead of just during the rush hours.

Max stays in a booth in the back playing on his handheld game Martha and Harry gave him last year for his birthday. The game they got him for it, is of course a baseball game.

Baseball seems to be the only thing he studies these days. Even the videos he watches on YouTube are how to perfect his swing or curve ball.

I don’t mind. It’s great he has something at his age he is already passionate about. He’s a lot more different than me in that regard. I’m an adult and still have no idea what to do with my life.

Around lunch time, I get a little bit busier as customers come in for the Sunday lunch special. By the time I look up again, Couch Brian is sitting with Max in the back.

“Hey, Can I get you anything? I’m sorry I didn’t see you come in.” I ask, walking up to the table.

“It’s okay, you were kind of swamped when I walked in so I thought I would just sit with Max here.” He smiles over at my son.

He turns his smile back to me but it seems to get a little bit wider showing a dimple on one side that is cute as hell.

Clearing my throat, I look back down to my order pad.

“What would you like to eat?” I ask but when he doesn’t immediately answer, I look back up and am surprised at the look on his face which seems to say he’d like to eat me. I can feel my face heat up. He seems to notice exactly what he is doing to me.

“I’ll take the special. For now.” He murmurs and I hurry towards the kitchen to put his order in. Plus I need a minute in the restroom to cool down. Is the air not working?
