Page 72 of Stubborn Heart

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“I’m terrified,” I confessed.

He came to a stop at the end of my driveway, looked over at me, and asked, “About what?”

I swallowed hard. “Meeting your family.”

Wyatt reached his hand over to mine and offered a gentle squeeze. “You have nothing to worry about.”

“Are they as nice as you are?”

He tipped his head to the side, the corners of his mouth tipping up slightly. “You think I’m nice?”

I nodded. “If there’s one thing I can say has been true from the moment I met you, it’s that you’re one of the nicest people I’ve ever met.”

His fingers twitched slightly around my hand. “If that’s the case, you are in for a treat. There might be some typical sibling banter, particularly between my brothers and me, but everyone will think you’re great.”

That made me feel slightly relieved, but I was still worried about what his family would think about the two of us showing up together. “Do they know I’m coming with you and who I am?”


“Yes? To which question?”

“Both,” he confirmed.

My eyes narrowed. “So, you lied to me?”

Confusion washed over him. “What?”

Shaking my head slightly, I explained, “I don’t understand how you can say I don’t have anything to worry about if your family knows who I am.”

“I’m not sure I understand why that’s a problem.”

I looked away for a moment, feeling conflicted. I wanted to go to this party with Wyatt, because I really wanted to spend the time with him. But I couldn’t be blind to what the reality of our situation was. There was one thing that had put Wyatt and me into each other’s lives—and it hadn’t exactly gone the way he or his family had intended. “Won’t they hate me because my family and I aren’t willing to sell your family the land you want and need for your theme park expansion project?”

His hand squeezed mine again. “They will not hate you, Rhea. I promise.”

I had no choice but to trust what he was telling me. I couldn’t imagine what he’d stand to gain by lying to me, especially if everything else he’d said to me was the truth. “Okay,” I said, nodding my understanding.

“Except for possibly Cooper,” he revealed.

My body tensed as my eyes widened. “What?”

Wyatt laughed. “I’m joking. Cooper is the moodiest of the Westwood siblings. He’s harmless, though. I swear it.”

I held his gaze briefly before turning my attention forward. “We should probably get going then.”

As Wyatt pulled out of the driveway, he shared, “To clarify on everything regarding my family, I think you should know that not only do they know you’re coming and who you are, but they encouraged me to bring you with me to Ivy’s party.”

I found this news to be shocking. “They did?”


“Why would they do that?” I asked. The moment the words were out of my mouth, a thought popped into my head. Maybe Wyatt’s family thought if they all had the chance to talk to me, they could find a creative way to get me to part with my family’s land.

“Because I told them about you,” he revealed. “I told them how we’ve been spending time getting to know one another, and they wanted to meet you, too.”


Why did my thoughts have to go to the worst-case scenario? Here I’d assumed they had some horrible motives behind their encouragement, and the truth was that Wyatt had shared something sweet with them, and they merely wanted to be supportive of him.

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