Page 19 of Wild Ring

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“Take a seat anywhere. I’ll be right with..” Her honeyed voice breaks off when she looks up. “Samantha?” She asks.

“Hey, Darla,” I say with a small wave.

Darla has owned the Sunshine Diner for as long as I can remember. She built it up from nothing. Creating all the recipes herself. The burgers were always a favorite of mine.

“Don’t move.” She orders as she rushes as fast as her rotund body will carry her. When she reaches me, her arms fling out and wrap me in a tight hug. “You’re all grown up.” She says in awe.

“I guess that happens.” I laugh.

“Don’t be a smart ass, young lady.” She says, laughter in her eyes. Her face turns solemn in the next second. “How are you holding up?” She asks.

“I don’t know,” I answer honestly. “It hasn’t hit me just yet, I don’t think.”

“That’s understandable. Come sit at the bar. I’ll have Henry make you something to eat.”

I know better than to deny her, so I follow her order. Within minutes, a plate full of a cheeseburger and onion rings gets placed in front of me. Alongside it is a strawberry milkshake.

I take the first bite and moan. It’s been so long since I’ve had a greasy burger. In Savannah, it was always meals of lean meats and vegetables. So, I savor every bite of the food on my plate.

Between bites, I answer a million different questions, skirting around the details that I don’t want anyone to know. Once my meal is done, I leave. Of course, it comes with a promise to bring Dakota in soon for Darla to meet.

I feel somehow lighter after my meal and conversation. It’s quite amazing what a bit of diner grease can do for a person. Chicken Soup for the Soul, my ass. Give me a burger where the grease runs down my hands while I eat it. Give me crunchy onion rings and a deliciously thick milkshake.

“You best come back and see me sooner rather than later, little missy. I’ve missed you and we have a lot to catch up on.” Darla calls as I exit the diner.

I lift my hand in a wave and let the door fall closed. My phone rings as soon as I’m on the sidewalk. I fish it out of my purse and see Matt’s name flash across the screen.

I’m preparing to answer when I’m knocked backward. My phone goes flying to the ground, as does my bag. The contents scatter.

Looking up, ready to snap at whoever barged into me, I see a smug-looking Autumn standing there. My words die on my lips. I stare at her, trying to gather the thoughts that went scurrying out of my head when I saw her.

“Oh my God!” Autumn exclaims. “Samantha, is that you?” Her voice is grating and I still see the smugness in her eyes. “I’m so sorry.” She apologizes.

What’s she apologizing for? Knocking me off kilter or stealing my boyfriend? Truth is, she’s not sorry for either.

I pay no attention to her and concentrate on picking up the items I lost when she ran into me. I look out of the side of my eye and take her in while I’m kneeling. The years have not been kind to her.

Good. Karma’s a bitch, and I guess she came calling. Autumn is wearing enough makeup that I could scrape it off with a spoon. I can still clearly see the deep lines on her face and the shadows under Autumn’s eyes.

Her outfit isn’t much different from something she would have worn in high school. Her dark ripped jeans look painted on and the top she’s wearing leaves little to the imagination. I’d guess she’d do rather well on the street corner.

Something about that thought brings me joy. Petty, I know, but she played a part in ruining my life. Once I have all my belongings and ensure my phone is still in one piece, I step around Autumn and walk back toward my car.

“You’re just going to ignore me?” Autumn huffs. “I thought we were friends.”

I turn toward her, not able to keep my mouth closed this time. “Yeah. Once upon a time, I thought we were too. Shame on me.” I leave her standing in the middle of the sidewalk.

I return Matt’s call as I walk back to my car. Dakota woke up and wondered where I was. Oli is keeping her busy. Matt didn’t say what they were doing, though.

Walking through the house, I hear Dakota giggle and a deep voice following. I follow the noise to the living room where they’ve set up what looks like a tea party fit for a princess.

The setup fits since Dakota is wearing one of the princess dresses that were stocked in her closet right along with a tiara. At the moment, she’s painting Oli’s nails a pepto bismol pink color. Looking closer, I see he’s also wearing eye shadow, blush, and lipstick.

Oli looks up as I enter. I’m barely holding back laughter when he says, “Zip it, Sammy.”

He is trying to look so serious, but it all falls flat in the wake of his makeover. I can’t control the laugh that bursts out.

“But you look so pretty. Pink is definitely your color.”
