Page 44 of Wild Ring

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“Can we talk?” Shane asks me.

I look over at Dakota and then back at him. “I don’t think this is the best time or place.”

He shakes his head at me. “We need to have a conversation at some point. While I love this truce we’ve found ourselves in, it can’t continue. I have too many questions swirling up here.” He tells me, tapping the side of his head. “And after the meeting with the attorney, we have things to figure out.”

“I’m aware. Can I just have a fucking minute to breathe? Just one minute where I’m not bombarded by you, the shit with the will, and how fucked I am because of decisions I had no control over?” I snap.

Dakota looks up at me now. I didn’t realize I’d raised my voice, but apparently I did. “Yeah. Sure. Forget I said anything,” Shane hisses.

I take a minute to breathe and calm myself down, and then I respond. “Look, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have snapped at you. Can we just enjoy our dinner? I promise we’ll talk. Tomorrow or the next day.”

He accepts my answer and sits back in his seat. Dakota hands him a crayon, and he colors with her. Watching them together takes my breath away and has my heart twinging in my chest. Already, he loves her.

I can see it in the way he looks at her, and hear it in the way he speaks. And I know then that no matter what I decide to do or what the future holds, I can never take her away from him again.

Dinner is an experience as Darla hovers over Dakota, trying her hardest to spoil her rotten. When I ask her why, she says she has six years to make up for. She even takes Dakota into the back and shows her the kitchen. I hear her and Henry laughing over something Dakota says. My little girl will have everyone enamored with her in no time.

Even the customers smile and indulge her when she tries to help serve water and hand out silverware. “Reminds me of someone else,” Shane says wistfully. “She’ll be the apple of the town’s eye.”

“Yeah. Well, let’s hope she does better than me.” I mumble.

“You didn’t do so bad,” Shane assures me. “She’s beautiful, Sunshine.”

I smile. “She’s the only good thing I’ve ever done,” I tell him honestly. Shane looks at me, confused. “You don’t know what my life has been like the last six years.”

“Who’s fault is that?” Shane asks, his hackles rising.

“I’m not blaming you, and I’m not trying to start an argument. My life has been my own and I would do absolutely anything for that little girl. Anything.”

Shane opens his mouth and closes it again. He wants to ask questions but doesn’t. I need him to ask. Not now. Not tonight. I don’t know if I can tell him everything, and I fear he will look at me differently. I fear he’ll try to take my daughter away, and she’s my only reason for living right now.

“Mama, I’m sleepy.” Dakota walks up and says, yawning as if in proof of her words.

“Alright, baby. Let’s go home.” I tell her, standing.

Shane throws money on the table and then lifts Dakota into his arms. I hug Darla on the way out, telling her we’ll be back soon. By the time we reach the car, Dakota is fast asleep. Shane carefully places her in her seat and buckles her in. He opens the passenger side door and holds his hand out for the keys.

I drop them into his hand before sliding into the car, the heated seat offering much-needed warmth to combat the chill from the cool air. I settle back and close my eyes, just enjoying the peace of the quiet car. Shane turns on the radio and the low hum of the music lulls me to sleep.

It isn’t long before Shane is shaking my shoulder and speaking softly. “Sunshine, we’re home.” I moan a little and turn away from him. I’m not ready to wake up yet.

Shane’s finger runs down my nose and across my lips. His mouth follows. Shane has always been brazen, but this? I wasn’t expecting this. His lips and taste are so familiar, yet different.

My mind fogs as I fall into this moment with him. His scent surrounds me, reminding me of nights just like this. Nights when we would sneak away to go on a date, only to find ourselves in this exact position afterward.

Back then, I lived for his kisses and begged for his touches. He never took things too far, knowing that what we were doing would be frowned upon. We didn’t see it like that. Not completely.

Yes, there was a seven-year age difference between us, but for us, that didn’t exist. Besides, the age of consent in the state is sixteen. It was legal.

I don’t know what’s gotten into Shane. While he’s been cordial and we have come to some sort of silent truce, he’s made it clear repeatedly that he can’t forgive me for my part in him not seeing his daughter for six years. Thinking about Dakota reminds me she’s still in the back seat and I come to my senses quickly. I push Shane away and compose myself.

I sigh in relief when I see Dakota is still sleeping. Without saying a word, I exit the car and walk around to the driver’s side. I move to take Dakota out, but Shane moves me out of the way and lifts her into his arms. He carries her into the house and straight to her room.

When he lays her down on her bed, he removes her jacket and shoes and then pulls the blanket up and tucks it in around her. I watch all of this from a distance. When he leans down to kiss her on the forehead, I turn and head toward my little kitchen. I open the refrigerator and lean down to look in. Water or Tequila? Beer or wine? As much as I want something stronger, I opt for the water. Maybe it will help cool off the inferno that Shane started in my body.

I remove the cap from the bottle and tilt my head back for a drink. Before I know it, half the bottle is gone. I don’t hear Shane come into the room, but I know he’s there. I can feel his presence and his scent of leather and citrus surrounds me.

I feel the heat coming off his body as he steps up behind me. He grabs me and turns me, slamming his mouth back down on mine. I moan softly into his mouth. He backs me into the now-closed refrigerator door. His knee moves between my legs, holding me in place as his hands move to grip the sides of my face.

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