Page 117 of Into Her Fantasies

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Chapter Twenty-Six

“Ilove you too. God help me…I do.”

The tears were as impossible to fight as the words, unlocking even more shackles from my spirit, as he rewarded me for them by kissing me again. Deeper than before. Longer than before. And yes, oh yes, harder than before. As if restraints had been unlocked from him too.

A lot of restraints.

As our kiss lengthened, the change was even more evident. A new force moved through us then between us, shock waves emanating from the perfect bomb of our new bond…our brilliant freedom. As Shiraz groaned, every inch of his giant body shuddered. As I answered, letting high-pitches of need twirl up my throat, every pore of my skin popped open, shivering for him. Surrendering to him.

Wild for him.

“Shiraz!” I panted, my muscles nearly spasming, my desire fully burning…my sex clenching, aching, needing. “Please!” I pushed back, reveling in the slick friction between our fitted forms, but needing more. So much more.

Craving what he’d do if every single leash could be yanked off.

His hand, still coiled in my hair, jerked tight again. Against the column of my neck, he commanded, “Not the right way to ask, my sweet.”


He did see me.

Knew me.

Loved me.

Really, really loved me.

“Please,” I repeated, a whisper my only capable sound now. “Please, Master…”

“Yessss,” he hissed, moving with nips of lips and teeth down to my shoulder. The scrape of his stubble and the caress of his hair were nearly enough to bring my first orgasm. He had me that wound up. That hot inside. That wet and quivering for him.


“Yes, tupulai?”

Okay, he loved me. But he also knew exactly how to turn me into a babbling lunatic, using that lush, teasing voice while sluicing his cock along my weeping cleft. Appropriate, since I hadn’t stopped crying—only now my sobs were a mix of adoration, vexation…frustration.

“Please, Master.”

“Please what, sweet one?”

I tried to simply show him by bucking backward, angling my pussy for his invasion—but I was his complete prisoner, locked by the clamps of his hands and the firm brace of his legs.

“I—I need you—to—to—”

His sandpaper hum in my ear flowed along the energy of his body, turning him into a human power station. If the force of his electricity could be harnessed, the whole island would never have to worry about outages ever again.

“To what?” he prompted, each word charged with the same sizzling command. “Tell me, Lucina.” He angled out, trailing the drops of his pre-cum into the crack of my ass. “Beg me.”

And here I was, fantasizing about unlatching his final tethers—only to find that joke so turned on me. Again.

And treasuring my gratitude for the trick. Again.

The locks of my brain unclicked. Flew off into the kaleidoscope, incinerated by my lust…because I knew they were safe in his keeping. They fell away, making room for all the words he’d mandated. The confessions of every filthy craving he’d elicited in me, now pounding and throbbing and screaming from inside me…

“Fuck me,” I moaned. “Dammit, Shiraz. I need you so deep inside me. Hard and deep and—” The grind of my own teeth was my interruption, rejoicing in the sound of ripping foil and unraveling latex. But as soon as he stretched the condom on, his hands were back on my body, fingers stabbing into my hips, bruising in their passion.
