Page 17 of Into Her Fantasies

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That T-shirt better come in the cute, boob-enhancing style.

“Not a woman who took the time to research the history of our family and our kingdom, then weave them into romantic symbolism for a wedding ceremony.”

Scoffing laugh. “It’s not rocket science when the country’s seal is a dove with sunbeam wings.”

He nodded deferentially. “True—but proposing a sunrise wedding, instead of sunset, was unique.”

“But bright pink doves are also unique.”

His stare flared. “Excuse me?”

“Never mind.”

Thankfully, he heeded. “How did you conceive the commencement of the ceremony? The hawk circling the room then taking the scroll from the high minister’s hand?”

“Well, the hawk comes directly from your family’s crest. The animal’s natural majesty seemed a perfect way to symbolize the unions about to be forged. A herald of the past, grasping then taking flight with the hope of the future.” I leaned forward, excited about relaying the aspect we hadn’t included in the preliminary proposal. “If you really like the idea—”

“I do.”

That silk-on-steel tone again. He wasn’t making this easy but excitement was on my side now.

“Well, we could have the hawk displayed on a perch in the reception hall. After your brother gives the king’s blessing to the meal, the hawk could return the scroll to him—before he turns and gives it to his new bride, symbolizing how he needs her as his partner and queen, with their love guiding the future of the kingdom.”

The corners of his lips lifted. Not quite a smile. Something, I sensed, representing deeper emotions—but when he said nothing to elucidate it, I finally prompted, “What?”

“You have just—how do you say it?—provided fuel for my fire.” The smile cracked free as he circled a finger in the direction of my head. “All those fairytale notions, from the picture of pragmatism before me.”

It seemed like a compliment, but I didn’t want to take it as one. Not by a longshot. Of all the impressions I wished this man would walk away with, “pragmatic” did not top the damn list. But “idealistic” didn’t, either.

What did I want from Shiraz Cimarron? And did that answer even get a vote?

Adulting. In some dictionary, maybe a few, the description had to read: Not getting everything you want. Not even half.

“Some people get their fairytales, Your Highness.” I hitched a dorky shrug. “People who are not me.”

His gaze narrowed—again making me feel shoved under the emotional x-ray. “But you are not sad about it.”

Again, a compliment-not-compliment. “Should I be?”

“You are evading my question.”

“You didn’t ask a question. Though once you get the question mark on it, perhaps you should ask yourself the same question.” I straightened a little, spearing him with a steady gaze. “Do you believe in fairytales, Your Highness?”

His angular lips continued their quixotic smile, though the look vanished from every corner of his gaze. “I have no time or space for towers, dragons, and glass slippers.”

“Which is why you asked about all the symbolism in my proposal?”

Now I was fueling fires—and he showed me just how hot. With one push, he swung his elbow from the cushion to his knee, looming his whole torso forward. The result was a little surreal. Though his face was lower than mine, his stare was more consuming than before.

“Fairytales are just fantasies,” he murmured. “Symbolism stands for reality.” He pushed in even closer. Oh hell, until I could smell him, expensive and European, bergamot crushed with blackberries. “And reality is where I must live.”

Just a quiet murmur—but it felt like a fist to my chest. I tightened my grip on the smart pad, fighting the longing to reach for him…to comfort the loneliness in his voice and the resignation weighing his shoulders…


I had to grab the opening he’d inadvertently given me.

“Reality,” I echoed. “All right, then. Long as we’re going there, let’s do it.”

His brows scrunched in. “Do…what?”

Big girl time. Line up the shot.“Better question for you than me, Your Highness.”

“I do not understand.”

I stood. “It’s time to get real with me, Your Highness,” I clarified. “Am I proposing on a triple Cimarron wedding now, instead of a double?”
