Page 21 of Into Her Fantasies

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“The process was in place to prevent uncomfortable snags.” Shiraz’s sincere answer didn’t assuage my chagrin. His new proximity kept the rest of my switches flipped on. “A committee of three, comprised of two High Council members and one representative of the royal family, were appointed as initial agents of the process. They interviewed thousands of young women across the island, seeking those they felt would be comparable in talent and disposition to the incoming monarch.”

“And they cleared only the exceptional applicants.”

“That was the idea.”

The irony in his tone hit a second before the context of his words. I seized the recognition, glad to think of something besides him inching a little closer…closing in on me again. His big body and powerful presence were so damn intoxicating. And hypnotizing. And utterly, thoroughly breath-stealing…

“Whoa. Wait,” I said it slowly, as a new realization stabbed. “If that’s the tradition, why is Evrest marrying an American?”

The story of his older brother, who’d fallen ass over elbows for Camellia Saxon when she came to Arcadia with a film crew two years ago, was the stuff I hadn’t had to research. Their fairytale love was an international legend by now, inspiring everything from fan fiction to boy band songs to a couple of high-end perfume lines.

All facts that fled my head—and helpless senses—as the prince next to me became the man next to me. Leaning in until he filled nearly all my vision…

Ohhhh, shit.

My gaze dropped down the straight line of his nose. Stopped at the lush curves of his mouth.

Ohhhh, shit.

The mouth, now parting with sensual surety.

“Things are changing in Arcadia.”

I stabbed my mind at his words. Clung to them as my lifelines toward a response other than Your Highness, prithee might I have the honor of ripping your clothes off?

“So they just didn’t do that screening process thing for Evrest?”

“Oh, they did it.” For some reason, that snapped him back to his original distance. I sighed in gratitude. It was gratitude, wasn’t it? “A pair of my father’s finest advisors, Fortin Santelle and Jaymes Hester, were joined by my cousin, Tytan, to comb the country. They returned with fifteen beautiful Arcadian women, all ready to win my brother’s heart.”

I leaned a hip against the desk, sarcasm already wooing my composure. Figured I was allowed this time, since the ending of the tale was obvious. Prince stud didn’t help, emulating my posture and balance—and looking more worthy of a magazine cover than ever. In this moment, I voted for Inc., the corporate hunks edition. Or maybe Too Beautiful For My Own Damn Good monthly. There was one of those, right?

“And how’d that work out for everyone?” I finally quipped.

“Hmmm.” The syllable screamed at deadpan, one of my favorite looks on a man since it hinted at other things going on in his head. On his chiseled features, it became an art form. Help. My second base thoughts officially tried to steal third. “Considering Fortin’s being investigated for conspiracy against the kingdom, my cousin is more obnoxious than ever, and the most notable candidate of Ev’s Distinct is still at large because she tried killing Camellia—”

“Holy shit.”

“I am not certain what is ‘holy’ about it, but if you insist…”

God, how I yearned to pick up his riff and run with it. Somehow, I kept my mind honed on the subject. “Those are some pretty huge details left out of the global narrative on the story.”

His head dipped. Not a nod. A full tilt, deep enough that the ends of his hair played at the V in his shirt. “It is all contained in the Arcadian security forces’ records, which are on file in our halls of public records, but Evrest and Camellia did not feel the need to call international attention to it all.” His eyes sharpened, newly serious. “My brother’s goal is not to garner the world’s pity. It is to earn the world’s confidence. He has taken a stand about doing that with the love and strength of a worthy woman by his side.” He paused as if his words had come as a revelation. Took a full breath through his nose. “It was not simple to do that without bringing Chianna’s violence to light, especially when the Pura used the issue to rise to prominence.”

“The Pura.” Okay, I knew this one. “They’re that semi-radical fringe faction, right? The ones who think Evrest and the current High Council are guiding the kingdom to ruin?”

“Among other things, yes.”

“What other things?”

“You want the printable ones or the wild ones?”

“I’m not a reporter, Your Highness.” Tiny smirk. “I don’t care about printable.”

His own lips quirked. “To start, they claim my brother surely sat at the right hand of Hell’s Overlord before being born—if he was even born.”

Snort. “Do they think he just spawned? Or…what…hatched?”

He chuckled. The sound was rich and sincere, and I liked it. “Interesting theory.”
