Page 7 of Into Her Fantasies

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“A little,” he conceded. “But I’ve seen your libido in action, Lucina Louise—action you haven’t enjoyed in a while.”

I let my head drop. Batted both eyes in coy exaggeration. “I’m bringing all my favorite appliances along for the trip, darling. Extra batteries too.”

He returned the grin. “Well, excellent!”

We sealed the deal like usual. Hip bump then a hug. As soon as that was done, in our considerably clearer air, I ventured, “So aside from knowing this proposal better than my own name, what else should I do to prep for Shiraz of the Nuances?”

Though that made Ez’s lips twitch, he was quick with the serious comeback. “Brutal truth?”

“Is there any other kind?”

He sucked back a big breath. “Dial back Miz Kinky Sass. Turn on Miss Prissy Tea Time. One thing we definitely do know about him? He’s a straight shooter when it comes to corporate prowess. I mean, the man’s daily planner probably has target goals instead of action plans, and he scores bulls-eyes on every one of them.”


“Bet your sweet ass, sheez.”

“So what are we talking here?” I turned, meeting him eye-to-eye again. “Quick run to Costume Castle for a Mary Poppins cos play, or do I break out my nanna’s Dior?”

Nanna, God rest her, had possessed impeccable fashion taste. I loved her stuff so much, she’d left a few pieces to me in her will, including a flawless black Dior, circa mid-50’s, with layers of crinoline and a deep V neck. I loved finding excuses to wear it.


And apparently, this wouldn’t be one of those times.

“This guy is your CEO nightmare on crack,” Ezra went on. “Wear your pinstripe skirt suit. And nude hose. And for God’s sake, secretary shoes.”

I scowled. Deeply. “What the hell are secretary shoes?”

“Do you have any flats?”

“I have stilettos, wedges, platforms, boots—do boots count as flats?”

“Not your kind of boots.”

“Then no bueno on the flats.”

“So borrow some from your mom. And wear your hair back. All the way.”

I grabbed a hock of my split ends. “Hello? Layers?”

“Hello? Bobby pins? And darling, one earring in each ear. Pearls are best. I know you have those.”

Fighting him on that one was futile. He’d been there the day Mom moved into Ben’s place for good, and she’d found Nanna’s wedding earrings. Ez had held us both as we’d bawled after Mom gave them to me, saying she knew Nanna would want me to have them.

I watched as the memory struck him, just as it did me—underlining the truth that bloomed, warm and full, between us.

That despite executive meetings in the ladies’ room, we were a damn fine team. Despite all the ups and downs, twists and turns, dysfunctions and malfunctions of life in LA-LA Land, we’d managed to forge something rare in this strange place.

A true friendship.

Proved very clearly by my next thought.

If I looked at Ez right now, even refusing to fly to Arcadia so I could roll out Expectation’s dog-and-pony for some stick-up-his-ass prince, he’d not love me an inch less. We’d hug, then begin tomorrow from ground zero. We’d find other weddings to produce—and before they came through, rent ourselves as kid party clowns if need be.

We’d find a way. We always did.

Which was why I’d find a way to get through this bullshit with Shiraz Cimarron. I’d do it in a stupid skirt suit and boring shoes, and I’d hit the hell out of this home run for our team and our future.

How long could the whole process take, anyway? Couple of days? Perhaps a week? I could do anything for a week, even in flats. Once Ezra had his new passport, he’d make the actual follow-up trips to Arcadia for planning the wedding, likely flying me back solely for execution on the big day itself. By then I’d have exchanged the flats for boots. Or roller skates. Or both.

One week.

An eye’s blink in the whole span of my life. Barely enough for a few memories, let alone massive life landscape changes.

Yeah, I had this shit.

By this time next week, Shiraz Cimarron would be just a pretty face in my rearview—viewed through the shades I’d have to wear because of my bright, blinding future.
