Page 99 of Into Her Fantasies

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“Oh God, oh God, oh—”


He stole the rest of it from me with a spank. I yelped, wondering if the impact would leave a mark, then praying for that part too. I’d have something even better than a signed contract to take home with me from Arcadia…

“Not. Him.” Forget the spanking. Now I just wanted a recording of those two words, gritted exactly like that, from this man. Like he was going to even let me have that thought either. “Not him,” he repeated, dragging both syllables across razor blade beds. “You will beg me for it, tupulai.”

I didn’t dare not answer.

I didn’t dare not pick any other words.


With one whoosh, he twisted me around until I was on my back. In another, he was back inside me, shuttling his beautiful cock up into me, ramming everywhere inside me.


He pounded.


He thrusted.


He stilled.


He throbbed.


We came.

Detonating in tandem. Screaming in silence. Intensity so complete, it shook us in spasms that surely must have bubbled the air itself, causing time to stop and the world to tilt.

Through it all, we stared at each other. Took in all the straining, stunning, ugly, unreal, unfiltered beauty of orgasms transcending physical bursts, or even emotional connections. In those wild, weird moments, something happened to us…beyond the chemical. Surpassing the sexual. Something transforming my cells…from the sheer force of my spirit.

Something metaphysical.

Something magical.

Something that was going change me.


Thank freaking God the recognition fled as fast as it had hit.

And thank everything else for the incessant vibrations of Shiraz’s phone, still tucked in his back pocket, still in the cargo pants covering most of his ass. The pulses radiated through both our crotches, inciting us to shared spurts of laughter, resulting in the sad but inevitable slide of his body out of mine. But even as he rolled to his back, he didn’t let me go. With one arm, he kept me tucked close. After peeling off the condom, he used the opposite hand to hook my free leg across his middle. His cock, still warm and firm, indented my inner thigh. I smiled through a few blissful minutes of I-am-Eve-hear-me-roar. For just a little while longer, I could choose to believe the world was nothing but the distant surf, the kiss of the wind, and this man in my arms, lost in our private Eden.

The light swirls he made against my leg turned into an inquisitive squeeze. “What are you thinking?”

Tiny grunt. A kiss to the heartbeat beneath my ear. “That’s a dangerous question, mister.”

“More dangerous than sprawling in the open with my cock hanging out, after catching a gorgeous forest nymph?”

He had a point. And had expressed it with swoon-worthy effectiveness. “I’m thinking that if that was your idea of punishment, I’ve got to think of more ways to be bad.”
