Page 115 of Ready For His Rule

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Chapter Nineteen

He didn’t order her to scream this time.

He got a scream anyway.

Emanating from everywhere yet nowhere; full of white heat but black ice; a sound of abject confusion but ultimate clarity…

It was everything.

Hewas everything.

Levelling her senses. Demolishing her resistance. Liquefying her limbs.

Destroying her.

Delivering her.

Into a fear so consuming, she could only surrender to it—then fly through it. On the other side, she burst into a world where everything in the room was clearer. People were kissing, touching, discovering…inspired by her. They moved together, succumbing to their passion…because of John and her. They opened their desires and needs and bodies…because of what he’d demanded from her first.

Lusts swirled on the air, seductive as incense. Sighs broke those snake-charmer patterns, more edicts for action instead of tantalization.

As her Sir thrust his hot length into her welcoming channel, other Doms did the same thing to their submissives.

They were beautiful.

Bodies twining. Moans growing. Skin smacking. Arousals climbing.

They were perfect.

Whispers exchanged. Orders growled. Cries released.

Exclamations of surrender…

Taking her higher.

So much higher.

Into a white-silver apex of heat and hunger, nakedness and wantonness, honesty and audacity, she wondered if the “stage” in this place even mattered anymore—

Because her fear sure as hell didn’t.

It had fallen away. Far behind the barricades. In this new freedom, there were no worries about right or wrong, embarrassment or errors, what was “trending right” or “falling flat”. There was only the rightness of feeling. Of accepting. Of taking more and more of him in, as his lunges grew longer, harder…

Then even longer.

Even harder.




“That’s right, kitty cat. Let it all out. Scream about it. No judgements here. Only pleasure. All the pleasure. Take it, kitten. Take me, my beauty.”

“Mmmm. Mmmm!”
