Page 75 of Savage Heart

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“So, it could mean more bloodshed?”

“Exactly.” Sal frowns, running a hand through his slicked-back hair. “It’s not that I’m afraid of a fight, but I don’t want to drag innocent people into this mess.”

“Neither do I,” I agree. “But we can’t let the Abruzzi family keep pushing us around. We need to take a stand now, or we’ll be crushed under their heels.”

“Yes,” Sal says, his fingers drumming on the table once more. “But I have to protect those close to me. My wife and kids are safe in Hawaii with yours, but I also have men within my organization who will need protection. If word gets out about our plans, they could be targeted.”

“Of course,” Dane replies understandingly. “You should do whatever it takes to keep them safe.”

“All right,” Sal says, meeting my gaze with a steely determination. “If we’re going to do this, we need to be smart.”

Leaning forward, my eyes lock onto Sal’s, and I say, “Let me be clear, we’re in this together. We’ll protect our families and those closest to us and take down the Abruzzis side by side.”

“Together, we’ll end their reign and keep those we love out of harm’s way.” He extends his hand across the table, and I shake it firmly, sealing our alliance.

“I have men loyal to me who are in Don Abruzzi’s inner circle. I’ll contact them, and we’ll put the wheels in motion.”

“And I’ll clean house here in Vegas. Bulldog needs to be put down.”

With that, we exchange a final nod and part ways. I walk out of the bar with Dirt at my side, both of us tense and on high alert.

As we climb onto our motorcycles, I glance over at Dirt, noticing the worry lines etched into his face. It is clear he feels the burden of what we need to do as well.

“Stay sharp, brother,” I murmur as we rev our engines. “We’ve got a long road ahead of us.”

“Always,” Dirt replies, his brown eyes serious and unwavering. “We’ll see this through, no matter what.”

With that, we speed off into the night, the path before us uncertain and fraught with danger. But we are united in a purpose, determined to protect our families and bring down the Abruzzis, whatever the cost.

Chapter Nineteen


As we pull into the Savage Angels compound in Vegas, I sweep my gaze over the building and surrounding area, searching for any signs of danger.

“Keep your guard up, brother,” Dane says as we dismount our bikes. “We’re playing with fire here.”

“Always do,” I reply.

We stride toward the entrance, our boots crunching on the gravel beneath us.

“Yo, Dane!” one of the club members calls out from the shadows, his voice slurred. “How’d the meetin’ go?”

“Complicated,” Dane answers tersely.

Suddenly, a gunshot rings out, echoing through the night like a clap of thunder. The bullet misses both of us and loudly ricochets into the side of the clubhouse, exploding bits of concrete in the air. Time seems to slow as I watch Dane instinctively turn toward the sound, his ice-blue eyes narrowing in on the source. A figure emerges from the shadows, a gun aimed squarely at Dane’s chest.

“Look out!” I yell, lunging in front of him as the trigger is pulled.

The bullet tears through my shoulder, and I stagger back. Dane catches me before I can fall, his face a mask of fury.

“Son of a bitch!” Dane roars, pulling out his gun and firing several shots at the assailant. The shadowy figure crumples to the ground, lifeless.

“Stay with me, brother,” Dane urges me as blood seeps from my shoulder wound. “We’re gonna get you patched up.”

“Damn, that hurts,” I grit out. “Didn’t think I’d take a bullet for you today.”

“Can’t thank you enough,” Dane replies, his voice thick with emotion.
