Page 8 of Some Like It Spicy

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“No way!” Xolani’s eyes widened like saucers. “No freaking way.”

“Yes freaking way.” He pointed to himself. “EV Division.”

“No way.” Xolani still couldn’t believe it. There was no way that the stranger she’d met on a plane and connected to so spectacularly also worked in the same company as her. It was too much of a coincidence. “You’ve got to be lying.”

“Not lying.” He reached into the inside pocket of his jacket and took out a silver business card holder. He plucked a card from it and held it out. “See.”

All this while, Anika was watching them with what could only be described as silent yet intense curiosity. When Xolani took the card, Anika leaned in closer to check it out too. Sure enough, the company’s logo was boldly emblazoned on the back of the card and the top of the front. Below the top logo was his name, Barry Hale, and his position (Exterior Designer, Electric Vehicles Division).

Excitement immediately replaced shock.

The universe must’ve been happy with Xolani, otherwise why would it send this fine specimen of a man right back to her doorstep? Hiding a smile, she rummaged through her purse to find her own card.

“Xolani Moore.” She held out her business card. “Marketing.”

“Wow! Wow! Wow!” Barry took her card, read it, glanced at her, and then looked at the card again. “I thought I’d never see you again, let alone find you where I work. Wow!”

“Me too.” Xolani was smiling so widely it was a surprise that her face didn’t split. “But I’m so glad-”

She didn’t get to finish the sentence.

Right then someone trilled, “Baaarrrry!”

Everyone who was in the elevator area turned to find the voice. It was a petite Asian woman with a pixie-cut who was in her late twenties or early thirties. She was carrying a holder with two cups of coffee, and all her attention was on Barry.

“Hiiii!” She practically skipped toward him.

Barry looked a little uncomfortable about the attention the new entrant had drawn. Nonetheless, he was all smiles as he greeted, “Hi, Misty.”

Misty stopped right beside him. Her eyes immediately wandered to Xolani and Anika. Her smile dimmed as she gave them quick up and down looks. A normal person would’ve said ‘hi’ or, at the very least, nodded. Not Misty. She hooked her arm into the crook of Barry’s arm all while still staring at Xolani and Anika.

Any woman with a brain could interpret the non-verbal message behind Misty’s actions. She was marking her territory. She was telling them that Barry was hers.

Xolani’s heart fell to her stomach. Barry had a girlfriend? How disappointing!

As if to further drum the point home, Misty complimented him. “You look amazing. Is that the tie I bought you?”

“No,” he said shortly while subtly trying to get her arm off him. He turned his attention to Xolani. “Xolani, I’m glad_”

But Misty wasn’t ready to share his attention. She interrupted, “Look what I brought you.” She lifted her right arm to show him the pack of coffee she was carrying. “I know you like Venti.”

“Thanks but_”

The elevator behind them chose that moment to ding its arrival and open up. Disappointment driving her, Xolani grabbed Anika’s wrist and pulled her toward the open elevator. As she did, she threw over her shoulder to Barry. “We’ll take this one. See you around.”

“Wait, we haven’t even talked,” Barry tried to stop her, but she was already in the elevator.

By the time he untangled himself from Misty, several people had joined Xolani and Anika in the elevator. It was too full for him to get in.

His face fell. Disappointment oozed from him as he watched the elevator doors close.

Xolani couldn’t bring herself to feel bad for him. He already had a girlfriend. What was he sad for? She was the one who should be sad. Just when she thought that she’d found a man she could pursue, he turned out to be attached.

Well, she consoled herself, at least he wasn’t gay this time.

Anika waited until the elevator started moving before unleashing her curiosity. She bumped her shoulder against Xolani’s shoulder and whispered, “How do you know him?”

Xolani stared ahead determinedly. “Who?
