Page 89 of Some Like It Spicy

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“What did he say?”

“He admitted that it was a problem and said that he was working to fix it.”

“Well, that’s certainly a step in the right direction.” Justine was quiet for some time before she suggested, “Why don’t you give him a chance? See if he’s sincere. It’s just dating anyway… not marriage. If it doesn’t work out, you can just end the relationship.”

“I wish it was that easy, but it’s not.” Xolani took a sip of her drink. “Putting that label on our relationship will make things more complicated.”

“Maybe it will make things more complicated,” Justine agreed. “But what’s the alternative?”

Xolani offered, “We could stay friends-with-benefits and keep doing what we’re doing.”

“You think that’s less complicated? Girl!” Justine laughed. “Take it from an expert with lots of experience in this arena; it’s more complicated. You can’t stay sex-buddies with someone who has admitted they have feelings for you. One of you will feel shortchanged and resentful, and the other will feel guilty and pressured. In the end, things will get too uncomfortable, and you’ll have to walk away. If you don’t want him, your best option is to let him go now, before things get much, much messier.”

“What?” Xolani’s heart jerked in alarm. She’d never even considered letting Barry go.

“See that expression on your face?” Justine used her index finger to draw an imaginary circle just a few inches from Xolani’s face. “That tells me you’re not ready to let this guy go.”

“What guy?” A sudden voice interrupted from behind Xolani.

“Huh!” Startled, Xolani turned, only to find Anika standing behind her. “Jeez. When did you get here?”

“Just a second ago.” Anika slipped into the seat beside Xolani. “What guy are we talking about? And why are we letting him go?”

“We’re talking about Barry.” Justine briefly explained, “He asked Xolani to date him. She’s deciding if she wants to, and I’m telling her she should.”

“He asked you to date him?” Anika turned to Xolani with a frown. “That’s odd.”

“Why would that be odd?” Xolani remembered, “Because we both work for Rayburn?”

Anika shook her head. “No, no. Because of the other thing.”

Xolani was confused. “What other thing?”

But instead of answering her question, Anika exclaimed. “Oh! Wait. Maybe you guys will be doing long-distance. I didn’t even think of that.”

“Long-distance? What?” Xolani was so confused. “Anika, what are you talking about?”

“I’m talking about you dating Barry.” Anika asked, “If you’re doing it, it’ll be long-distance, right?”

“I’m so lost,” Justine verbalized Xolani’s bewildered emotions. “What do you mean long-distance, Anika? Do you need me to get you a dictionary? They both work in the same city, same company. The distance between them is as short and short can be.”

“Not for long.” Anika turned back to Xolani. “Isn’t Barry moving to Germany?”

Xolani’s jaw dropped. She blinked once, then twice, then a third time. “He’s moving to where?”

“Germany.” Anika tilted her head to study Xolani. When she realized the situation, her eyes bulged and her jaw dropped. “You don’t know?”

“Don’t know what?” Justine impatiently demanded, “Anika, can you be clear about what you’re saying?”

Anika took a few seconds to get past her shock. Breathlessly, she explained, “Mercedes-Benz offered Barry a position in Stuttgart.”

“Mercedes-Benz?” Xolani couldn’t believe it. “The Mercedes-Benz I know.”

“The one and only. Their scout has been trying to catch Barry since last week. I heard that they had a long meeting in the lobby today, and afterward, there was a handshake. Everyone in Engineering knows about it.” Anika said, “He hasn’t told you? You didn’t know?”

“No.” Xolani’s heart was beating so hard, it hurt. She breathed, “I didn’t know.”

“Oh, snap!” Justine gasped. “This changes everything. Xo, you’re always saying that you’d rather chew a bag of nails than do a long-distance relationship. Does that mean that Barry’s officially out?”
