Page 17 of Sinful Obsession

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I want to hear them, too. I want to feel them.

Fuck, I’ll drag them from her even when she’s done and doesn’t want to give any more up. But I’ll keep my hand right where it is and enjoy the way she wants me to destroy her.

“Archer,” she bites my palm and slams down over my cock. Swallowing me up. Sheathing me with her perfect heat. She bounces on my lap and allows me to control us both. So when I lift her again, tighten my arm, and drag her down, we collide with a violence that has us both dancing with insanity. “Shit,” she groans, her neck stretched back, and her word, that one single plea for reprieve, a movement in her throat.

“I miss the fuck outta you on infusion night.” I swing us to the right and toss her to her back, rolling over to follow, and still, I slam my hips forward and use her up. She accepts my cock so well, swallowing me to the base and wrapping her legs around my hips. “I see you in our bed,” I groan, taking her neck between my teeth and suckling. “Laying here. So fucking close, and yet, I can’t have you.”

“Archer.” Her word comes out in mewling desperation, her pussy, tightening around me until she becomes a vise-like grip. “Oh god,” she breathes. “Archer.”

I rear back on my haunches and look down at the woman laid out before me. Her body, so perfect, I wouldn’t have even known to wish for the things she is, had I been given the option to. Her tight cunt, made just for me. Her trim thighs, built only to wrap around me.

“I love you, Minka.” I cup her ass until I know it hurts. Until I know she’ll look later and find my handprints marking her body. Charging forward, I crash deep inside her and grunt when she slides another inch up the bed. I pull out and rock forward again. A game of cat and mouse neither of us mind playing.

“God.” She turns taut beneath me, her legs tight and her heart thundering in her chest so I see the way it gallops beneath her skin. “Archer!”

“Come for me.” I slide my hand around her hip and press my thumb to her beating clit. Instantly, she explodes with a gasp, her pussy strangling my cock until I see nothing but stars.

Her. And stars.

She trembles around me, quivering on the bed as she comes, dragging me over the ledge with her. Hot cum bursts free of my cock and coats her pussy until we both feel the warmth. My release, wringing me out until my lungs empty and my vision turns momentarily black.

I desperately drag air into my lungs, aware that if I give up and lie down, I’ll crush her beneath my weight in the time it takes for my body to recuperate. But Minka steals the decision from my hands anyway, surging up and wrapping her arm around the back of my neck, then pulling me down again until our tongues tangle. Until her teeth nip at my lips and leave me wondering if she’s drawn blood.

“I love morning-after-infusion sex.” Panting, I drag her bottom lip between my teeth and swallow down her panting breath. “You’re always a little mean about it.” I nip at the tip of her jaw and slide my arm beneath her back, bringing us around until I’m lying flat on my back and she rests over my heart. I can’t relax when I’m worried about crushing her. But using her as a blanket? My favorite way to exist. “Sleep well?”

“Mmm.” Aftershocks have her clenching around my cock, making us both hum with pleasure. “Slept till five. Got up. Took a shower. Now here we are.”

I glance to my right, to the bedside table that holds my phone, though I can’t see the screen. “What time is it?”

“About six-thirty, I think. Definitely not seven.” Pushing up, she rests her chin on my chest. “What time did you come to bed?”

“Went to sleep about ten.” I place a finger beneath her chin and draw her closer. “But I was in here no later than eight.”

“You laid in here for two hours and… stared at the ceiling?”

“No. I brought my laptop in and went over some stuff for the Alves case. CSIs sent photos over, so I was studying my crime scene again. Ya know, being productive while still being with my wife.”

“And I slept through it all.” Her dimple pops as she flashes a playful smile. “I’m glad one of us is working to pay the rent.” Drawing a long breath and filling her lungs until her entire body lifts, she exhales through her nose and studies my face through chocolate-brown eyes. “Did someone say Pastore was dead last night? Or did I dream that?”

I snort and release her chin so she can lie down again and rest it on my chest. “Tim said Felix popped Pastore. Then Cato said the same.”

“So your brother murdered a man, and we just…” She lifts a single, dangerous brow, “We just accept it? No one is asking questions?”

“I don’t ask him questions.” I trail my fingers along her supple hips and down to cup her ass. “I’m a homicide cop, duty bound to do something with that information. So I close my ears and hear nothing.” Grinning, I give her backside a squeeze. “It’s best that we stay on this side of the country while Lix chills in New York. Distance is healthy for us all.”

“And Pastore? He just disappears?”

“Emilio Pastore was a fucking slug, dragging his ass through New York City streets and hoping no one noticed he didn’t belong. He’s come at my family a hundred times over the years. Cordoza asked for peace, and so, peace was agreed to. But there are rules, Doctor Mayet.” I part my lips and extend my tongue until it taps the very tip of her nose.

Which only makes her scowl.

“You don’t kill a guy in front of his home. And you don’t attack his family. Pastore has tried both. In the end, he probably thought Felix was too soft to do anything about it.”

“Felix? Soft?” she snickers. “He’s the most unhinged person I’ve ever met.”

“Compared to the mobsters who came before him?” I release her ass and reach back to fold my arms behind my head. “Times have changed, especially when my father died. Felix is a new kind of gangster who actually tries to work with honor.” Which is a joke unto itself, I’m forced to admit. To think of Felix as a professional in any capacity. “He’s not just the idiot he shows the world. He’s a lot more than that, and he doesn’t want to kill a man just for shits and giggles. They have to earn it.”

“And you think Pastore earned it? Are turf wars and grown men arguing really worth killing for?”
