Page 67 of Sinful Obsession

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“If a case comes in and everyone else is busy, you can take it on your own.” I turn my back on him and focus instead on organizing my building. “You’re primary. Work with Fletch. You guys can keep each other company while we’re gone. Did you decide to ask Tim out for a meal yet?”

“No!” Huffing, Aubree sits down and forces my office chair to squeak in protest. She’s already taking up residence! “I’ve decided I’m just going to be his friend. Friendship is healthy. Friendship is all I need.”

“Uh-huh. Sure. And if he gets another girlfriend and you see him macking on her in the bar?”

“I’ll rip her tits off and toss them both in a bonfire.”

“Them both? As in, both her boobs? Or them both, as in the hoe and Tim?”

“Both,” she grunts out. “And well deserved. What do you want me to do with Fifi?”

“Let her do her job. She’s good at it, and she won’t screw things up. In fact, she has a hundred percent success rate at stopping me from screwing things up. I’ll have my phone while I’m away, but I want you to minimize interruptions. It’s not really a vacation if I’m working remotely.”

“I’ll support Doctor Flynn the way I support you,” she declares studiously. “But don’t worry, I won’t keep her as a best friend once you’re back. I only have room for you in my life.”

“Uh-huh.” I peruse a rack of sleek, black dress pants perfect for the office. Archer’s here for swimming shorts and bikini strings. Personally, I’d prefer to buy a nice blouse and get back to work. “I’ll be gone for seven days,” I tell her. “Only five will be business days. The mayor is aware I’m taking leave, and he knows Fifi will communicate with him in my absence.”

“What about Cato?”

I drop my head back and groan. “Pain in my ass. He’s heading to New York, anyway. He wants to spend time with Felix and Debbie.”

“Christabelle,” Aubs giggles. “Her name is Christabelle.”

“Debbie works fine for me. Either way, he’s flying out around the same time we are. He’ll stay with Felix until whatever point he decides he’s done there, then he’ll come back here in time for college to start. You’ve got the cat?”

“Chloe?” She snickers. “Yeah, I’ll stay at your place for the week, since she’ll prefer her own space over being carted to mine.”

“You just want an excuse to stay in my apartment. Don’t touch my things, Emeri!”

“I might borrow your clothes,” she taunts. “And there’s a small chance I’ll look in your bedside drawers, since that’s where people keep the best stuff. But I promise not to touch anything personal, and I won’t break your coffee machine.”

“You do,” I snarl, “you die. Feed the cat, go to sleep. Try not to sleep with my neighbor. Unless, ya know… that’s what you both want?”

“Tim?” She makes a whole show of gasping. Choking. Oh, the indignation. “Minka! I wasn’t even thinking about the fact he would be right next door.”

“Yup. Sure.” I turn from the rack of pants, but I come to a skidding stop again when I meet a pair of milky-brown eyes staring into mine. My heart thunders, and for just a beat, I consider ramming my cart into the person standing just four feet away. “Um… Aubs.” No longer jovial, I swallow the lump in my throat. “I’ll call you back.”


But I hang up anyway, killing our call and slowly lowering my hands to the cart.

“You know, don’t you?” Adrianna Alves holds her daughters’ hands, one on each side of her. But the trio are, well… freer, I suppose. Less bruising. Less defensiveness in their stances. The little girls are adorable in their dresses, perfect for the summer heat, while Adrianna wears a tank and jean shorts. Her biceps are free from brand-new bruises. The only reminder of William Alves’ abuse, the yellowing marks quickly healing. Her eyes are sunken with exhaustion. But her hair is clean. Brushed.

Sliding her tongue forward, she licks her dry lips. “Do you know?”

“Yes.” I glance around to check where Archer is. If he’s still ogling thong swimwear and bouncing around like a child. But I find him just a foot behind me, his entire body primed for confrontation. His hands balled, and his jaw hard. Slowly, I bring my attention back around to Adrianna’s red-rimmed eyes. “Yes, I know.”

“And yet, I’m here.” Not in jail, I feel she means to say. “Is it coming later?” She leans to the side, meeting Archer’s stare. “I can’t sleep, because I’m worried punishment is coming. The not knowing is sending me insane. So although you probably don’t think I deserve it, I’m begging you for clarity. So I can sleep.”

“I’m leaving in twenty-four hours for my honeymoon,” Archer rumbles. Coming closer, he stops only when his chest presses to my back and his warmth touches my skin. “I’m leaving the city. Hell,” he adds, glancing down at the girls and shedding a little of his hardness. “I’m leaving the country. The case,” he brings his focus back up, “has been placed in the too-hard basket for now. Evidence is simply too circumstantial to please the DA.”

Adrianna’s eyes well up and spill over. “Really?”

“I handed it off to my chief and took the raps to my knuckles for being a crappy detective.”

“Go, Adrianna.” I breathe out the words and allow my lips to curl up. “Teach your girls what to accept in their lives.”

“And don’t do it again,” Archer growls. “This one was free. You won’t get the same treatment next time.”
