Page 70 of Lust

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My boots were off by this time, and I pushed my pants down and asked, “When did you put that there?”

And my vampire gave me a cocky smile and said, “So much talking.”

I glared at him and started to point out I was naked and he still had his clothes on, when he pulled a burgundy-pink cowboy hat from behind his back, and my smile went ear to ear.

No doubt, he’d only let me ride him and have my way with him a little while before I found myself on my back, or on my knees, being pounded, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

This boulder has a counterpoint in Alfheim and in Faerie. It’s the seat of my power, bound up in Kirsten’s power, and now we’ve added Marco’s power to the mix. It’s no wonder we came here for sex so often, but on this night, Marco and I played while we explored each other’s bodies, relished in our love for each other, and shared all that we’ve become with our people.

Our people.

I’d been so determined, when Marco came to town, that I not lose myself in whatever union we formed, but the opposite has happened: I’ve found pieces of myself I hadn’t known existed, before.

Sharing my life, my love, my power, and my people didn’t mean I lost anything at all. No, I gained so much more, because Marco shared it all right back, and the sum of our parts is so much greater than anything I’d dared dream.

Kirsten’s goal, oh-so-long-ago, was for us to form a power base that would keep us and the people we love safe. We’d done exactly that, years before.

And now, we’re exponentially stronger.

In the process, we’ve altered the entire hierarchy of supernatural society, and time would tell how it all worked out, but for now, on this night, I rode my vampire with a cowboy hat on my head, and I bathed in the lust energy we produced.
