Page 4 of The Enforcer

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I’m still Tucker fucking McKinstry. I’m still the king of this icy jungle.

I don’t feel any pain. I never do until later. Much later when the swelling starts.

All my focus is on trying to inflict the most amount of violence. To extract the most amount of blood.

I’m focused on dominating.

I’m focused on winning.

Maddock’s grip on my jersey loosens. He’s breathing heavily and barely able to throw any more punches.

He’s almost done.

I get a second boost of adrenaline.

My grip tightens. My fist clenches harder.

I crack him with a hard uppercut, putting my whole body into it. He grunts as his head snaps back. His helmet flies off. It bounces away on the ice as I connect again, this time on his cheek. He gurgles as a new cut splits open on his skin.

His legs buckle with the next punch.

One more and he’s out.

I launch my famous roundhouse right as hard as I can. It connects with his jaw.

The crowd lets out a collective gasp when they hear the crunching even way up in the cheap seats. I grin as I watch his eyes roll back and his energy give out.

He collapses onto the ice, out cold.

The crowd explodes into cheers when he’s splayed on the ground, arms and legs out like he’s about to make a snow angel.

It’s time for my signature move.

I swoop down and grab his skate.

I’m bleeding from multiple places as I skate over to the Centaur’s bench, dragging the unconscious beast behind me.

The crowd gives me a standing ovation, hollering as loud as they can as I drop him in front of the Centaur’s bench and then head directly to the penalty box without being told.

Sebastian is shaking his head, chuckling as he watches me go. The other team is not laughing. They’re all keeping their worried eyes on me as they stay out of my reach.

“Tucker!” a woman screams, pounding the glass as I skate by.

I turn to her and she holds up her sign.

Go out with me Tucker! I love you!!

She’s jumping up and down as I skate on by.

No thanks.

She’s pretty and looks nice enough, but I don’t want anything to do with her or any other girl.

I’m not interested in love.

I’m not interested in anyone.

Monsters like me are made to be alone.
