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Cora didn’t push her. She simply enjoyed their closeness silently. Eventually, Agnes got up.

“Thank you,” she said without looking at Cora. “I… Well, I guess it was nice not to be alone.”

“Any time you want someone to talk to, I’m here,” Cora said quietly.

“I… thanks, I guess. I don’t really want to talk about it, though.”

“If not to me, you should at least talk to someone.”

“I’ll consider it,” Agnes said in a tone that made Cora suspect she wouldn’t consider it for very long before discarding the idea.

She glanced back over her shoulder at Cora for a moment with haunted eyes before leaving and closing the door softly behind her.

Cora didn’t quite know what to make of the experience, but she knew one thing for sure. She was determined to spend more time with Agnes, to unravel the mystery that surrounded her. More than anything, she wanted to take Agnes’ pain away.

Cora wasn’t surprised by this impulse. She had always cared for people, but most of the people she cared for weren’t also women who she would give anything to coax a screaming orgasm out of.

She marched up to Lillian the nurse, resolute.

“Lillian, I need your help.”

Lillian’s face registered alarm. “Is it Agnes? Is she alright?”

“I think she’s okay for now, though I still don’t know what was wrong with her in the first place. No, this is something else. I want to spend more time with Agnes”

“So, what do you need me for? I can see the spark between you. Ask her out.”

“I hardly think she’d say yes to that.” Agnes was so closed off, Cora could see that asking her out on a date right off, before even starting a proper friendship, or working relationship would scare her away completely.

“I guess not. What makes you think I can convince her to say yes, though?”

“I don’t need you to convince her of anything—Ieave that to me. I know how to be persuasive. I just need to know where Agnes spends her free time.”

If Agnes wasn’t willingly going to spend more time with Cora, then Cora would just have to engineer the situation to be skewed in her favor.

“Well, I suppose it couldn’t hurt to tell you that. She spends a lot of time at the Fitness Center—you know, the gym and pool around the block from here. She swims a lot and uses the gym too I think.”

“Perfect. I guess I’ll go get my membership there after work.”

Cora could use some exercise. She used to exercise a lot. She had always been a naturally gifted athlete. She knew she could have done a lot more with that talent, but she had never had the drive for it. She had been offered a sports scholarship, but she didn’t take it. She wanted med school. Her drive was for helping people, she could be the calm in the chaos in the ER, not on the sports field. Cora knew she was lazy these days, she didn’t manage to make much time for exercise around her work and social life. Hopefully, this would be good for her as well as getting her closer to Agnes.

“Don’t you hurt her, you understand?” Lillian looked at her deadly seriously.

“I’m aiming for the opposite, actually. I really like her.”

Lillian smiled. “I’m glad to hear that.”

The very next day, Cora pulled out some exercise shorts and sports bra that she knew she looked good in. She pulled on a zip through hoodie to complete the look. She knew she was lucky to still have the body of an athlete without training. Her legs were still long and muscled and smooth and tan and she knew they looked good in the shorts. She was telling herself she hadn’t chosen such a sexy gym outfit just because Agnes might be there, but she had never been particularly good at lying to herself.

The gym was a comfortable place for Cora. She felt at home there. The gym had big windows that overlooked the pool, so Cora figured she could see everywhere from the gym and maximise her opportunity.

She was expecting to have to go a number of times before running into Agnes, but it seemed that luck was with her today.

She scanned the gym and grinned in delight when she saw Agnes lying on one of the benches, lifting weights.

She noticed Agnes’s strength was more than her slight stature might suggest. She still had the bandage on her upper arm.

Cora took a moment to admire how hot Agnes looked with the muscles in her arms standing out prominently and sweat sliding slowly down her skin.

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