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She shook herself out of it and hurried over to the weights section selecting some dumbbells to begin a workout. She didn’t say hello; she didn’t want to seem like she was stalking Agnes, even though she definitely was.

If Agnes noticed her first, it would probably seem more natural.

“Hey.” Agnes’s voice was like silk. “I didn’t know you trained here.”

“Just started.” Cora said meeting Agnes’s gaze with a smile. “It’s been a while. I had gotten lazy. I’m not even sure what session I’m going to do today. I should have planned better.” Cora laughed.

Agnes looked guarded and as though her words were carefully considered.

“It is a good facility. I like to spend my time here.”

Cora let her gaze roam over Agnes’s body.

Agnes’ gym clothes were less revealing than Cora’s, but they hugged her form perfectly, making Cora’s mouth dry with futile anticipation. She hadn’t yet even convinced Agnes to be friends with her, let alone anything more.

“You can join my session if you like?”

Cora didn’t have a love for the gym or for weight training- she never had. She had done weights supervised by trainers when she was on sports teams- of course she had. But, she suddenly wasn’t sure she had the confidence to do her own session while being watched by Agnes, who clearly had a lot of knowledge and experience in this area.

“Yeah, I’d love to. It’s um… its been a while though. I’m not, well, I’m not the most experienced with weight training.”

A flash of surprise seemed to cross Agnes’s face momentarily, but it was gone as soon as it had appeared.

“Cora? Do you still want to do this?”

“Yeah,” Cora said breathlessly. “Of course.”

Was she imagining it, or was Agnes looking at her, too? She was sure that Agnes’ eyes flicked down to her cleavage for a moment before coming back up to Cora’s face.

“Okay, press your feet down into the ground and lift from your stomach, not your arms.”

“How am I supposed to lift from my stomach? It’s my arms that are holding the weight!”

“You need to tense your stomach muscles and focus on keeping your core strong. That’s the mistake most people make, and how they get back injuries.”

Cora was just grateful that Agnes had stopped her when she had, or Cora would have been limping around the hospital with a sore back for weeks.

She tried lifting the dumbbells again, finding it easier this time, it was all coming back to her.

Agnes counted out six times as Cora raised and lowered the weight. By the time she was done, her arms were shaking again. Agnes took the weight out of her hands and set it aside.

“Good job. You’ll get back to it. It just takes a bit of patience and consistency. Your body was made for this. You have all this natural raw strength.”

Agnes ran her delicate fingers over Cora’s right bicep appreciatively. Cora felt gooseflesh rushing across her body and desire pooling in the pit of her stomach.

Cora thought about lifting Agnes. Agnes was right, Cora was naturally strong. She could lift Agnes easy.

She imagined grabbing a naked Agnes by the waist, lifting her onto the counter and slowly fingering her as they kissed.

“Are you alright, Cora? You seem kind of spaced out.”

No way was Cora admitting to Agnes what was distracting her, so she just shrugged. “It’s just been a while since I trained, that’s all.”

“And yet you seem to have taken up a membership here?”

“Yeah. Got to dive right back in, right?”

“Definitely,” Agnes agreed, grinning again. “Come on, let’s hit the treadmills. I always like to get in a bit of cardio after I do my strength session.”
