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Chapter Eighteen

Monday draggedon for Sera since the progress reports were finally complete. That left her to concentrate on the harassment claim, which was the one thing that she didn’t want to think about anymore.

Since Sunday morning, she had thought about nothing but Harrison and sex, but not the way she should’ve been thinking about it. She should be concentrating on the accusations that he’d been having sex with his barely legal personal assistant.

So far today she hadn’t seen him, though she had thought she would’ve the moment she got there. After she had left him so angry on Sunday morning, she was sure he would be out for blood this morning, but she hadn’t heard a peep from him.

She was waiting on the paternity test, and then next week, she was going to talk to Harrison again to make sure his answers were the same, leaving her to do her usual work for the first time in a week. But she was unable to get back in the swing of things all day.

The clock struck 5 p.m., and Sera grabbed her briefcase but knew she would not be working once she got home. She was just taking it home to look good if she ran into a partner on the way out of the building.

That should make her feel bad, but she had things to do at home. Not many, but enough that it would keep her busy. Her mind was on the task in front of her and not the group waiting for the elevator when the hairs on the back of her neck stood up.

Turning slowly, she saw Harrison standing just behind her. After the weekend, her body was on sharp alert for him. Though he was practically standing close enough to touch her, he didn’t say anything as the elevator doors swished open and the crowd got in, squeezing close to everyone.

In the tight space, they stood face-to-face, their bodies pressed close to each other. His smell invaded her, and her mind went back to being in his bed, his body pressed to hers. His blue eyes on hers, just like right now.

By the time they made it to the lobby, her breath was short, and her body was humming with need for him. A need she couldn’t do anything about. It had been her that had ended it and with good reason, but right now, her body was arguing with her. His body pulled away from hers, leaving behind cold in its wake.

With shaky legs, she headed for the door with the crowd from the elevator. Her car was parked a block away, and she needed the walk to get her hormones under control, which was hard—very hard.

Once at her Jeep, she opened the door. No need to lock a twenty-year-old Jeep with nothing in it; nobody was taking anything from it or stealing it. Tossing her briefcase in the back, she slammed the door shut and ran right into the man whose body hers craved.

Harrison’s arms went around her. Whether it was to stop her from falling or just to pull her to him, she didn’t know, but the action did both. Her body instantly responded, and her hands grabbed his hips, unable to not touch him.

“I came to talk to you in private.” His voice was husky and deep. Despite the words he spoke her body was on fire from them.

His words alone should have stopped her movement, but her mind wasn’t in control anymore. So, she pressed her body to his, needing to connected to him again. It had been ages. It had been well over a day, nearly two.

“We can’t,” she whispered. Whether she meant touch or talk, even she couldn’t say. Both were true, but neither seemed to matter.

“I know,” he admitted, just holding her close. “Come to my place.”

“No, we can’t. Once was a mistake, twice …” She trailed off. His lips had touched her forehead, and her thoughts froze at the contact.

“I know, but—” He stopped, unable to say what they both knew.

“I will come or chicken out,” she admitted. She knew what she should do, but it wasn’t what she wanted to do.

With her words, he pushed her away and walked away without a word. Unable to watch him, she climbed into her Jeep and headed out of the parking lot, her mind in turmoil. She blindly followed him as he drove to his apartment building and found a parking spot close to it.

Sera gave herself a short lecture during the equally short walk into the building about how wrong this was and how if they were found out, it could be bad for both of them. But her feet kept moving.

The sight of him waiting for her when she walked into the lobby made her forget every argument. His eyes were on her as she rushed toward him, giving in to the pull that was always there. She was now sure he felt it also.

“You came?” he questioned, though it wasn’t a question he needed to ask.

“Yes,” she answered as he took her hand and led her to the elevators.

With half a dozen people in the elevator this time, she was just happy to hold his hand. They weren’t the only ones to get out of the elevator on his floor, and he continued to hold her hand as they walked to his apartment. Once the door was closed behind them, all pretense that they could do anything but let their bodies have their way flew out the window.

It wasn’t until after seven that she had found time to text the girls that she wouldn’t be home that night. She had barely sent before Harrison pulled her away again, and she wasn’t able to get to her phone for another few hours.

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