Page 6 of Spell It Out

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“It means that I’m a sensitive. I feel things off of people.”

“An empath?” He eyes me quizzically and then the light dawns. “Ah-ha! That’s why it let you in. It knew there was something different about you. But if that’s the case…I saw your profile has been removed. Did you do it?”

“No. I don’t know what happened but I couldn’t get in there again.”

“What happened on this date?” He asks me, sitting down in my living room like he owns the place. Jaxon’s never had a problem fitting in wherever he wants…or pushing my limits just to make sure that he understands what’s going on. Like now.

“Well, it was like I knew her as soon as I saw her. Like I’d always known her. It was so strange. Almost…”. I hesitate, knowing I’m going to sound really stupid when I say this. I’ve written this exact feeling a million times but I never thought it actually existed.

“Almost….what? Almost what, Leo? Jesus, just quit being a little bitch and tell me what the hell you’re talking about.”

“It was almost magical, okay? Like it was meant to be.” I pause, thinking back to those feelings and how I haven’t been able to shake what was happening with me.

“Fated?” He breathes the word and nods his head slowly. “You are her mate. Her male. So what happens next? Did you run away like a little girl because you got scared?”

“What? No!” I scoff, my body tightening as I picture her cute, round ass bouncing away from me. A snarl rips from my lips and he stares at me again.

“What the hell, man? You’re acting like a crazy person! Just say the damn words.” Now he sounds as frustrated as I feel. As frustrated and off-kilter as I’ve felt this whole time.

“She ran away, alright?” I plow my hands through my hair, dropping into a chair across from him and my head hits my hands, my throat almost closing up with the most overwhelming sense of grief. My eyes tear up and I really do feel like I’ve lost my mind. I finish on a whisper. “I kissed her. She didn’t fight me but then she just pulled away and ran. I haven’t been able to contact her since. I need to see her,” I breathe out, my voice fading away, my throat clogging with emotion.

“She got scared when she realized you’re her mate. Do you know what that app is for?”

I shake my head, my mind numb, my heart aching. I feel like I’m drowning in a sea of darkness that’s dragging me under, its hands relentless and overwhelming.

“I didn’t think you did. It’s not to find you’re fated one. It’s to find a…”. His lips purse as he stops talking and I wait…and wait.

“Will you just finish the damn sentence? Now who’s being a moody bitch?” I mutter under my breath, sizzling hunger running along my nerves just from talking about her. Thinking about her.

“It’s for hook-ups with supernaturals, man. Crystal Connection is the version of it for witches.”

My head jerks and I stare at him, dumbfounded, my mouth hanging open. “Are you telling me that I was supposed to be a…?”

“A one and done? Yep. She’s apparently not ready for her soulmate because she smelled it on you and took off.”

Now it’s my turn to glare at him. “What the hell does soulmate smell like?”

He throws his head back and laughs. Loudly. “I don’t know. Maybe chicken or good barbecue. Who the hell knows? Who cares? That’s not the part that matters. That’s why you got kicked off the app. You’ve got your perfect partner. It’s a weird app. I guess it can smell it on you, too!”

Rolling my eyes, I stand and stalk back and forth. “I don’t think an app can sniff you.” I jam my hands into my hair and pace, my limbs jerky, like a newborn colt. “But what if she goes back on there while I’m trying to find her and she finds another man willing to do the deed with her.”

He shakes his dark head. “That’s not how supernaturals work, man. Any guy that tries his hand with her now will feel her tense up like a block of ice. And she will be physically ill if any man tries to hook up with her and she tries to reciprocate. It’s a mutual no-go zone for both of them.” He laughs and sits back in the armchair, his smile kinda grim. “I bet she’s frustrated as hell right now. She was looking for a good time but instead she got cock-blocked after she found the soulmate she wasn’t looking for. Ironic.”

My heart aches and I rub my chest absently. I swear it feels like someone’s driving a knife into my chest. I need to get my head screwed on straight. I’m losing my mind.

“Well, at least it’s nice to know she’s literally as fucked as I am.”

He slaps his hands down on his thighs and stands up. “So what are you going to do now?”

“I was going to use my contacts and connections to try and sniff her out. Hunt her down as it were. But I don’t know if I should do that now. I mean, she disappeared for a reason. I’d be an idiot to mess with her when she’s made it clear that she doesn’t want any part of a relationship with me.”

“You’d be an idiot if you didn’t try, that’s for sure. She’s your other half. The yin to your yang. The soft to your hard. The other side of the strange and magical coin that is you.”

I glare at him, my mouth open, my mind stuck on his words. “You don’t like me,” I say to the guy. “It’s obvious or you wouldn’t find this so amusing. What the hell am I supposed to do.”

He stands up and steps to the front door, turning to look at me over his shoulder. He smirks and points at me. “You do what you do. You do research just like she’s a book you’re trying to figure out. And do it quick because I need you to finish this damn book!”

He steps out, quietly closing the door behind him and I sigh. I planned on it but it sucks that it’s my only option. And what if I can’t find her. What then?
