Page 7 of Spell It Out

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I don’t think I want to live knowing my other half is out there somewhere running from me, so desperate to get away from me that she’s ghosted me after one damn kiss.

That’s kind of a low blow to a guy’s ego. I flip open my laptop and sit down on the couch, throwing my feet up on the coffee table like a complete and utter heathen.

Time to go to work and find my little raven-haired witch then convince her that no matter what her problem is…I’m not giving up on her, on us.

We’re fated, after all.



It’s like I’m on a constant roller coaster of emotions right now. The damn app realized the same thing I did. That guy…that human, is my soulmate. Kicked me right the hell off so now I can’t even find a man to give me the baby I want and get out.

Sure, I wouldn’t mind a man. A warlock, a shifter, anything supernatural. But a human? No way in hell am I making a life with a human.

The last human I dated was an absolute ass about my powers. Stupid idiot kept asking me to hex his enemies. As if! That’s not what being a witch is all about.

I’m a child of nature. I love to feel the earth renew itself, to use her bounty to build a bridge between the natural world and our own citified world.

It’s a privilege that I don’t take lightly and I’m not gonna mess up my career, my life’s work to mate with a human.

Even if he was the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen. His icy-blue eyes were glued to mine, glowing embers of gold and green scattered in his irises, winking and glowing at me. His tanned face was sculpted and perfect. Lean cheeks glowing with ruddy health, a perfectly-shaped mouth with full lips and a smile that could light up the world. Or my heart.

His body…oh my god! Michelangelo’s David come to life, warm and breathing, moving, each muscle perfectly sculpted.

I’ve never seen a man more beautiful man than him. But to know that he was mine and I was his? That he was not a warlock and now the little family of witches and warlocks that I’d hoped to have one day is gone. Disappeared in a puff of fate’s magic wafted in my face.


I have no idea what the hell I’m going to do now but guaranteed, I can’t be with him.

I want what every witch wants. A warlock to match her passion for our craft, her love of all things Wiccan.

I unlock my shop door and push it open, re-locking it carefully behind me. I head through to my little office and sit down, groaning when I see all the invoices and paperwork piled up around me. I have so much to get taken care of and my mind is an absolute mess. I can’t seem to do anything but think about that gorgeous man. My chest hurts and my body feels like I’m on a serious detox.

But I can’t go there. I need to get my shit together and open in half an hour. I close one eye, like if I do that, maybe I’ll only see half of the paperwork piled up around me and waiting for signatures and payments.

For the next half hour I focus on all of the invoices specifically. Those are the most time-sensitive things that need taken care of. I groan when I check the time and realize that even though the stack isn’t close to being done, it’s time for me to open the door.

Shoving the completed work into one file and shoving it in a drawer, I growl at the huge stack still piled up on my desk.

As soon as I open the door, my favorite part of the day starts. A constant slow trickle of customers looking for natural remedies for all manner of ailments.

And then there are the looky-lous. The ones who show up out of curiosity and have little, knowing smirks on their face as they peruse my small store.

At lunchtime, I put the sign up for my half-hour and grab my lunch out of my fridge in the back. I love leftover pizza. Hot, cold. Doesn’t matter. I moan as I take a big bite and wipe my chin. Magic just got a new pizza place and I have been a regular visitor to the place. It’s so good. Just the right amount of cheese and sauce. And the sauce is perfectly-seasoned, not too sweet.

Just yummy! I’m right in the middle of a bite when the bell over the door goes off and I growl under my breath. Surely I didn’t forget to lock the door!

I gulp down the big bite I just took and carefully wipe my hands and face off on a napkin.

“Hello?” I call as I walk from the back.

I slam to a halt when the beautiful man in front of me turns and smiles mischievously at me. His dark eyes snap with a fire that I can feel all the way down to my toes. But not in a good way.

He’s gorgeous but something feels off about him and I don’t like it. It’s like my witch radar is going off. Like it knows that there’s something just off about this guy. I can tell he’s a warlock. A very powerful one judging by the aura of glowing red around him.

“Hello, can I help you?” I keep my distance, trying to keep my body hidden behind shelving or the counter. Anything to keep myself protected.
