Page 4 of Corbin's Conflict

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I stop on the edge of the tree line just to the side of the cabin. Only then do I smell them. Wolves.

“Come on out. I can smell you,” one of them states, looking in my direction. He’s older but still looks like the man in the picture of my locket.

“Get out here, witch,” the other man says, sounding infuriated, but he bears a resemblance to the older man.

Ever so slowly, I take a breath and step from around the tree. Meeting the older man’s gaze.

“Karoline?” my father whispers.

“The hell you talking about? Who’s Karoline?” the other man snaps, nostrils flaring.

“Karoline was my mother’s name,” I utter softly, my voice wavering as I drop my gaze to the ground. If they hadn’t been shifters, I know they wouldn’t have heard me.

“What’s your name then?” my father demands.

I bite my lower lip and take a step back into the trees.

“Don’t even think about running,” the other man says.

“Dane, stop scaring her,” my father snaps. “She’s your sister.”

“My what?” Dane snarls. “You’re fuckin’ kidding me.”

“Take a moment, push back your anger, and smell the air.”

Dane does as he is told, and his eyes widen before he growls.

My father ignores him and steps forward. “What’s your name?”

“Karsyn,” I whisper tentatively.

“Karsyn,” he repeats, also whispering. “Karoline named you Karsyn.” He says this as if he were talking to himself.

“Motherfucker,” Dane mutters.

My father shakes his head and jerks his chin up. “Come over here, Karsyn. Neither of us will hurt you. I need you to tell me where your mother is.”

I take a step closer and start fidgeting with my hands. I take a breath to keep the energy that wants to reach out of me trying to surface. “My mother was killed several years ago by blood witches while trying to protect me.”

My father’s nostrils flare and his eyes change right before he shifts. I scream and back up against a tree, fear overwhelming me. My magic envelops me.

“What the fuck is that?”I hear Dane snarl.

“Your mother was my mate. My fated mate,” my father says, shifting back, thankfully still with his clothes intact. I thought that was interesting. I didn’t know shifters could keep their clothes when they shift, but it seems so.

“Your what?” Dane demands.

“My mate,” he confirms and looks at me. “My name’s Daniel Syndey.”

My mouth drops open, and I’m surprised to know this. I never knew his name. Swallowing, I lick my bottom lip. “My full name is Karsyn Danielle Syndey.”

“She gave you my name,” Daniel murmurs and looks at Dane. “She gave her our name.”

“Still don’t know what the hell is going on here. How the hell did I not know this shit?”

I switch my focus to Dane and watch as he roughly yanks his hands through his hair. Eyes narrowed. Nostrils flaring. He looks to be trying his best to keep from losing it.

“Because Karoline left before we could complete the bond between us. Evidently, she didn’t want me or anyone else to know about Karsyn.” Daniel grunts. The gruffness of his tone takes on a whole new sound.
