Page 50 of Snake

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I laugh at my sisters' words as we make eye contact. Her wide smile makes my heart rest in peace, knowing how relaxed and happy she is before we look back at my daughter.

"Go grab your happiness, sissy, and don't let it go. Have this adorable little girl with your man by your side, who we both know will treat you like his world, then give him more babies. Live for me, for yourself, for him, but most of all, for that little girl and your future children. I know you're going to have and live for our parents because, sissy, they've lost too much already."

I give her a nod as we wrap our arms around each other as she rasps, "Just make sure he grovels a little bit more first," making me chuckle before Daisy shouts, "MOMMA, AUNTY MA-MA, COME PLAY WITH ME." We both smile before we run over to her.

As my sister reaches my daughter, she looks at me and rasps, "Tell Snake I miss our chats, and if he doesn't believe in this right here, let him know not to fill any more rifles around his brother." She smiles a sad smile. "Send my love to him, the club, and our parents."

My heart beats fast, knowing she's saying goodbye as her tears shine in her eyes before she mouths, "I love you, sissy," and everything starts to fade, and beeping is replaced before my eyes begin to slowly open.

Chapter 27


I lay my head on Sarah's bed, my hand firmly in hers, and close my eyes.

Twelve hours—that's how long it's been since I looked into her beautiful green eyes. The brothers cleaned up Dave's, Helena's body was burned, along with my girl's truck, but hopefully, she won't be too pissed when I give her the Mustang back, well, when she finally forgives me anyway, until then, she'll be using the SUV, and tech managed to erase all footage of what happened while also resigning on my girl's behalf, which he promised to take the fall for.

Now we just need my girl to wake up.

She was lucky—really fucking lucky. If the bullet had gone a little lower and a little to the right, she'd be dead. Hailey is distraught, Gerry is trying to stay strong, and losing Mary is still fresh for them. They need Sarah to wake, and I fucking need her to wake. Doc expressed that her body is healing and she will wake up, but on her own time; now, if she'd hurry up a little so my heart rate would go down, then everything would be good.

Just as I slowly fall asleep with my girl's hand firmly in mine, a voice behind me rasps, "Hey, Snake," and I have to hold back a sigh. Fucking Becky. The nurse who loves the MC brothers, especially Doc, but because he's stupidly decided to claim a woman who allegedly miscarried a few months after claiming her and hurt his sister's best friend in the process, this woman has decided to latch onto me since Sarah was admitted to the ward.

The bitch is delusional and fucking crazy if she thinks her bad blonde hair dye can match my girl.

I ignore her, keeping my eyes shut, hoping she'll all but disappear, but I'm not that fucking lucky. I can feel her walk around the bed on the other side of my girl, her eyes burning a hole in my bold fucking head instead of checking on my girl.

If I had hair, it would have burned off by now, and I can guaran-fucking-tee it.

"Snake baby, are you awake?"

I nearly snort, but I hold it in. I plan to keep my head where it fucking is, but then a rasp enters the room—a rasp I have been waiting to hear—causing my head to spring up.

"Does it look like he's awake?"

My heart rate picks up as I stand over my girl. We lock eyes, and instant relief overtakes me. Becky huffs before muttering, "I'll go find the doctor," but I don't take my eyes off Sarah's beautiful green ones. Her hand comes up, her fingers wiping my cheeks, wiping tears I didn't even know were falling as she rasps, "Does that nurse have a habit of trying to-to get your attent-attention?"

I chuckle before kissing her lips, not caring if she hasn't given me a second chance yet. I nearly fucking lost her. I break the kiss, not wanting to push my luck, before placing my forehead against hers.

"I'm so fucking angry with you, Spitfire; you never should have pushed her away from me."

She hums, closing her eyes for a second, rasping, "Tough," with a slight smile, making me chuckle as the door slams open and Doc rushes in, sighing when he sees Sarah smiling. I pull back from her and sit on the bed next to her.

He shuts the door, then points at her and says, "You are in so much trouble."

She huffs, "For what, saving your Pres?"

He narrows his eyes at her and says, "We both know Helena was all talk and no bite with him."

Sarah nods a little, "I didn't think-think that then."

He sighs but nods before getting his stethoscope and starts to do his checks. After about ten minutes, he nods, "I think you're going to make a full recovery; you were lucky, Sarah, real lucky; if that bullet was a little lower, a little to the right," he shakes his head, "darling, we would have lost you."

She nods, her hand going to her stomach, making my eyes soften, and I clear my throat. "Spitfire the baby…" She doesn't let me finish as she rasps, "is going to be a girl."

I furrow my brows as Doc tilts his head and says, "Explain how you know that little miss and how you even know the baby survived."

Sarah smiles a little, "A dream, I guess?" She shrugs, wincing a little as my fingers play with hers, and I narrow my eyes at her for hurting herself, but she ignores my look and continues, "It felt so real. I woke up in the bright sun, lying in the meadow behind my grandfather's old house, and a little giggle came from my right," She makes eye contact with me, "She was about three, maybe with long black hair and beautiful blue eyes just like yours; I called her Daisy."
