Page 10 of Smokey

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It's gorgeous.

Entranced, Jonny helps me off the bike, then takes my helmet off as I stare at the perfect building. He chuckles then grabs my hand, dragging me up the steps. He opens the door and guides me in. I stop in the light gray with trim living room. A dark gray couch sits in the middle of the room, facing a black fireplace, and the TV mounted to the wall above it. Straight ahead is an open concept kitchen, separated from the living room by a breakfast bar. The dining area is just to my right.

Jonny wraps his arms around my waist, gently kissing the crook of my neck, his deep forest scent hitting my senses as I lean back into his embrace.

"Your place is amazing," I rasp.

I feel him smile against my skin as he murmurs, "I'm glad you like it, Livvy. Come on, let me show you something."

I nod as he kisses my neck again, then gently moves away from me, grabbing my hand and pulling me up the stairs. When we get to the top, he guides me to a room on the right of the hallway and opens the door. I gasp as I walk inside the pink princess room, complete with a princess bed.

With wide eyes, I look at Jonny, who shrugs and states, "I thought, if you liked it enough, then you'd want to spend more time here with me. And I know April needs somewhere to sleep," he remarks me a smirk. "There's also a mini playground in my yard, and a playroom in the covered porch."

I blink my eyes fast to stop the tears before looking around the room again.

Did he do all this for April? For me?

Jonny walks over to me and cups my cheek before confessing, "Livvy, I needed you to see that I'm all in with you. I know you've been holding back, and I don't blame you, but this here, right now, is me telling you I'm in this. I want you, and I want her."

Tears fall as I push up on my tiptoes, pressing my lips against his.

This perfect man I don't think I'll ever deserve.

He wraps his arms around my waist, and my hands glide up and over his broad shoulders as his tongue enters my mouth. I seduce it with my own, moaning at his taste as his hands move down and grip my ass, lifting me up. I wrap my legs around his waist as he starts to stride out of the room, our kiss never stopping, only intensifying.

One moment, I'm gripping him tightly, and the next, my back hits soft bedding. His lips leave mine, going to the column of my throat. My legs quiver with anticipation as he gently glides my sweater up.

This is happening. I'm actually going to have sex again—the first time since April was conceived.

I really hope this time it's better.



Fuck, her skin feels so smooth.

I gently glide my fingertips along her tanned skin as I remove her red sweater. I chuck it on the floor as my eyes take in her beautiful body.

"Fuck me, you are beautiful."

Her cheeks redden, a blush covering her chest and neck, making me smile. I lean down and take her delicious full lips again, my tongue pushing through them to tangle with hers. I groan as I grind myself on her, my dick needing release.

Three months—that's how long I've gone without sex, but this beauty is fucking worth it.

I break the kiss, moving down to nip her jaw before kissing her neck, sucking on it, ensuring I leave my mark as my right hand goes behind her back, unclipping her lacy, pink bra, freeing large tits that make my mouth water. As soon as I toss her bra away, my mouth latches onto her nipple, sucking it into my mouth as my tongue circles it. She moans, arching her chest further into me, making me groan at how fucking responsive she is. I move to the other nipple as I remove my cut, throwing it into my room, aiming the chair near the window. I kiss down my girl's body, my hands going to the button of her jeans.

I kiss down her flat stomach etched with little silver tiger stripes. I smile, knowing they’re from carrying her daughter. I grip her jeans and panties.

Very slowly, I drag them down, my lips going to her pubic bone, then gently skimming her enlarged clit, making her gasp. I continue dragging her jeans down her toned legs, pulling the wedges off her feet at the same time. I throw the jeans and panties onto the floor as I stand up, her shoes landing with a thud. I look at my beautiful girl lying on my black sheets, my heart pounding at how fucking lucky I am. Meeting her was by chance, but pushing myself into her life and heart was all on purpose.

I suck my lip ring into my mouth as I remove my shirt, her eyes dilating at my tatted body before focusing on my hands as I undo my jeans. I toe off my boots and drag my jeans down my legs, Livvy’s eyes widen, noticing my cock or more like the Prince Albert piercing right through the head of my cock. I grin at how much pleasure she's about to feel, and climb over her, needing a taste of her. I glide my hands up the inside of her thighs, sending shivers through her body as I force her legs open. Seeing her wet pussy dripping for me makes my mouth water.


I lean down and gently lick her clit.

"Jonny…" she gasps as I suck the little bundle of nerves into my mouth, her taste instantly making me groan, sending vibrations through her, and making her lift her hips. Using my forearm, I press down on her stomach to keep her still as I put my finger at her entrance, slowly pushing it in, then pulling out, and then adding another finger.
