Page 26 of Smokey

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"Freckles? Is everything ok?"

She lets out a sob making me stiffen. "Damn it. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have called."

She hangs up, making me curse before my phone goes off again, but this time with a text that I planned to ignore, ready to ring my girl back. But I freeze when another text comes through, my heart stopping at the words on the screen before rushing out of the bar, shouting for Suzy to call a brother to cover my shift.

Doc: April has been admitted.

Phil: Liv needs you. April has been rushed to surgery, and I'm two hours away.



I smile at the little dresses I decided to buy April this morning. I couldn’t help it, and neither could any mother, really. They’re sun dresses with yellow daises and roses on them, and oh so pretty.

Damn, my weaknesses for little girl clothes.

I chuckle a little as I hang the last dress up in her closet, well, my closet, but she’s taken over half of it. I sigh, I really need to find a building with an apartment above it, then my girl can have her own room, and I can have my bakery and not worry about childcare at 5Am so I can bake, because I could use the apartment kitchen until she wakes.

One can dream.

I shut the closet door, about to go check on my girl. She’s been a little pale today, so I hope she isn’t coming down with something. Before I can leave my room, my phone goes off.

I check the phone, a photo of Smokey and April stares back at me, making my heart hurt. I miss him. The text that came through makes me stiffen.

Stalker Harris: I’ve made reservations at Bella’s; make sure you show up this time. I don’t want to have to come to find you, pumpkin.

Pumpkin, seriously?

I shake my head and message back before putting my phone back in my pocket.

Me: Leave me alone, or I will report you!

He hasn't left me alone since our so-called date three months ago. It took him three hours to message me after his car was towed, and all he asked was why I hadn’t waited at the restaurant for him to get back and how rude it was. Three freaking hours. He honestly expected me to wait for him.


I told him this wouldn’t work out, but he ignored that text. He’s spent the past three months stalking me. If I’ve been at work, he would come in and state he’s booked Bella’s, and I needed to dress slutty for him before leaving. By that evening, he’s shown up at my mother’s expecting me to be ready. Each time, I’ve told him to go.

He’s getting pushier. Yesterday, he showed up at April’s daycare and tried telling them I gave him the okay to pick her up. I was floored when they called me. They called the sheriff, and Harris said it was an honest mistake. I’ve had him blacklisted at the daycare, and the sheriff gave him a warning to stay clear of me and my family, but by the looks of things, he’s not listened.

Maybe I need to tell Smokey?

Pretending to still be with Harris isn’t worth my daughter's flipping safety. I honestly don’t know what Harris is capable of. He may be a businessman, a banker, but that doesn’t mean jack shit!

A piercing scream brings me out of my head, and my heart stops at the pain echoing through it.


I run into the small living room, hoping my girl just got scared, instead, I find her curled up in a ball on the rug, crying her eyes out while gripping her stomach. I rush over to her, getting my phone out of my jeans pocket, and I call 9-1-1.

“Baby girl, tell momma where it hurts,” I demand, desperate.

She cries, “M-my t-tummy.”


The dispatcher picks up on the second ring. “9-1-1, please state the nature of your emergency.”
