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She huffed, got her top, and went around the corner to tie it on. When she was dressed, she looked at Reth. “Where did they go?”

“They are returning with food.”

“I am going to go meet them.”

Yukaro sighed. “Ysma. Please let me explain.”

“I already know why you did it. The Sethir are bastards who trap omegas and use them until they die. Then they get a new one.”

Shock was on his face, but she just turned and headed out of the shop. She was angry and walking blindly.

Jeron and Xeva were walking toward her, and Xeva paused. “Ysma, what’s wrong?”

Ysma was bristling with fury and turned her back to Xeva. Xeva saw the design and then said, “Oh.”

“What’s wrong? Omegas get marked in the islands.” Jeron sounded confused. “It helps the community keep the alphas off until a formal agreement is reached.”

“Wait. So, it is benign?”

“Fairly benign. We take care of our omegas. They feel so much and need care, so if they are marked, it is easier.”

Ysma blinked. “So, it’s done to all omegas?”

“Sure. It helps us to guard them when the Sethir come trolling. We have gotten very good at hiding them.”

Xeva said, “Let’s get back to the shop so I can get my tattoo, and you can have some lunch.”

Ysma winced. “I might have to apologize to Yukaro. I was a little forthright with him.”

They returned to the shop, and Reth accepted a sandwich while Yukaro was scowling in the corner.

Xeva walked over to Yukaro. “You need to know what happened to Nelith in the stronghold.”

Ysma ate her sandwich while Jeron and Yukaro turned grey with the description of the circumstances. When Xeva finished talking, Yukaro exhaled slowly.

Ysma looked at him. “I have just been threatened with the alphas since the researchers figured out that I was an omega. They liked to torture us. I was told they would tear me apart until they got bored and throw my body into the ditch.”

He looked like he was going to cry, and she continued. “Jeron explained that the mark is for my safety. You could have explained that before you had Reth put it on.”

He dragged in a deep breath. “It hadn’t occurred to me that you wouldn’t know what it meant. Despite knowing, I forgot.”

Jeron said softly, “A woman from the islands would have taken the mark as her alpha claiming her.”

“I carried him for an hour and a half. We barely spoke. He isn’t my anything.”

Yukaro nodded. “Yet.”

“Yeah. If you are talking about a scent thing, you smelled like ocean, and I smelled like three days in the same bodysuit.”

Reth cleared his throat. “Can I get to work on Xeva?”

Xeva nodded. “Sure. Jeron, will you advise on placement?”

Jeron looked at Ysma. “Yeah. Sis. Talk it out.”

Ysma blinked and looked back at Yukaro. “Talk?”

He held out a hand to her. “Talk. Let’s go for a walk. There is a park nearby.”
