Page 134 of The Missing Witness

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“I don’t know what love is, Matt. I’ve never had anything like this before. But earlier, as I sat here and thought I would be saying goodbye to you? It hurt. I’ve never felt that loss, that emptiness. And when you gave me my position back, the emptiness filled with joy. More than joy. Not just because I have the job—that’s part of it—but mostly, because I don’t have to leave you.”

He kissed her, all over her face, her neck, held her tight against him. “Dear God, Kara, I love you. Get your own place, I don’t care, I know you need your space. I’ll take what you can give, and hopefully, over time, you’ll give me all.”

“I’ll give you a key,” she said with a half smile. “And maybe a drawer.”

She got up, a bit awkwardly, and held out her hand. “We need to go to bed. I may not say I love you a lot, but I know how to show you.”

“You’ve never said you love me.”

She looked at him and realized he was nervous. That was so not Matt, those kind of nerves. “Well, I guess I do love you.” Her voice cracked and she laughed. Matt wasn’t the only one who was nervous.

“Does anyone come up here?”

She shrugged. “Not often.”

He pulled her back down to the blanket they’d been sitting on. “I’m willing to risk it.”

She grinned, kissed him. “I love it when you break the rules, Mathias Costa.”
